Local author's insights on ADHD/bipolar disorder in new book


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Local author shares insights on ADHD, bipolar disorder in new book

HUNTINGTON, Md. — In her new book on mental health and social issues, “Unbridled Gifts: Bipolar Disorder—A Family Affair,” author Carolyn Lantzy shares the symptoms of ADHD and bipolar disorder, and helps readers discover how other mental disorders can mimic the onset of this insidious disease.

This glimpse into these illnesses provides valuable information of how to cope with their own mental illness while dealing with their child’s special needs. It is sprinkled with professional advice from those who support their plight. This book gives readers support and confirms that they are not alone. Lantzy offers specific examples from professionals to educate readers, support what they are going through, and helping validate their experience. Readers will also learn the symptoms of the following disorders commonly found in connection with bipolar disorder: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression, hypomania, oppositional defiant disorder.

By utilizing definitions, professional advice, and real life examples, Lantzy has provided a useful book for understanding mental illness in both adults and children. Whether the reader is a parent, grandparent, teacher or therapist, this book provides a message that there is hope out there and asserts they are not alone in this plight. They will walk away with knowledge of illnesses, what works and does not work, and a variety of resources to help them along the way.

Published by Tate Publishing and Enterprises, the book is available via:


Lantzy has been a clinical social worker for over 20 years and is a registered play therapist. She is a parent who suffers from major depression and has raised two children with ADHD and bipolar disorder. She is a regular contributor for EzineArticles, an online magazine, and writes her own blog geared toward professionals.