Local Bee Farmers


yeah yeah

Farm Name: Trott's Fresh Farm Produce
County: Calvert County
Contact Name(s): Winfield Trott
Franklin King
Address: 11250 Southern Maryland Blvd.
Dunkirk, MD 20754
Phone Number(s): (410) 257-2175
(301) 855-7881
Hours: Daily, 8am-6pm
Directions: South of Brickhouse Road on Rt. 4 south


Farm Name: Middleton Produce
County: Charles County
Contact Name(s): Gregory Middleton
Address: 5110 Leonardtown Road
Waldorf, MD 20601
Mailing Address: 5110 Leonardtown Road
Waldorf, MD 20601
Phone Number(s): 301-645-4175
Email: hmiddleton@msn.com
Hours: Sunday - Saturday 9:00a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Directions: 4 1/2 miles south of Waldorf on Leonardtown Road (Rt. 5)Forest Park


New Member
Dutch6 said:
Cell phones drove all the bees away.
Ya know Dutch, some folks may laugh at that statement-but you ain't far off! :yay: I don't think most folks know how severe the honey bee crisis is-they will when they go to the grocery story and there are cans where fresh produce use to be! :jameo:


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Whatever happened to the threat of "Africanized" bees? I couldn't sleep for years!:jameo:


"Fluffy world destroyer"
BlackSheep said:
Ya know Dutch, some folks may laugh at that statement-but you ain't far off! :yay: I don't think most folks know how severe the honey bee crisis is-they will when they go to the grocery story and there are cans where fresh produce use to be! :jameo:
I don't find it funny at all. People don't realize what they are bombarded with on a daily basis.


New Member
Dutch6 said:
I don't find it funny at all. People don't realize what they are bombarded with on a daily basis.
I wasn't going for funny-I'm very serious about the decline of bee's...me thinks this is a very serious problem in almost all 50 states!


"Fluffy world destroyer"
BlackSheep said:
I wasn't going for funny-I'm very serious about the decline of bee's...me thinks this is a very serious problem in almost all 50 states!
Nothing will be done about it.
Dutch6 said:
Nothing will be done about it.
Bee Decline

The honeybee decline, which is affecting domesticated and wild bee populations around the world, is mostly the result of diseases spread as a result of mites and other parasites as well as the spraying of crops with pesticides, scientists say.

Among the greatest problems is the varroa mite, a bloodsucking parasite that attacks young and adult honeybees. Attacked bees often have deformed wings and abdomens and a shortened life span.

"The varroa mite is also really effective at transmitting disease, particularly viruses," Frazier said. Left untreated, a varroa mite infestation can wipe out a bee colony within a few months.

Another major bee pest is the tracheal mite, which gets inside adult bees and clogs their breathing tubes, essentially suffocating the insects. The tracheal mites also impede the bees' ability to fly, making them useless as pollinators, entomologists report.

According to Caron, both the varroa and tracheal mites lead to the death of the bees by puncturing holes in their bodies that serve as pathways for viruses. The viruses are what technically kill most of the bees, he said.

Decades of pesticide use has also taken its toll on honeybees, though farmers are beginning to refrain from pesticide applications while their crops are blooming. "People are definitely smarter than they used to be about how they apply pesticides," Kremen said.