St. Mary's Co. Local COVID-19 Cases Increase


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Continue Masking, Distancing & Other Measures to Slow the Spread

LEONARDTOWN, MD (October 29, 2020) – Ongoing surveillance of local COVID-19 data by the St. Mary’s County Health Department (SMCHD) has shown a recent increase in several key indicators, including:

  • Total cases of COVID-19 in St. Mary’s County residents: 1,542 (+97 in past 7 days)
  • New Case Rate per 100,000: 9.69 (+5.22 in past 7 days, 117% increase)
  • Percentage Confirmed Positive (PCR) Cases: 6.53 (+2.9 in past 7 days, 80% increase)
  • Estimated Effective Reproduction Number (Rt): 1.17 (+0.34 in past 7 days, 41% increase)

Community members may view the most up-to-date local COVID-19 data on the SMCHD website at

Disease investigation efforts demonstrate that the most common high risk activities contributing to the recent spread of COVID-19 in St. Mary’s County include family gatherings and events, working outside the home with others, and utilizing indoor spaces such as retail settings.

“We ask everyone in our community to please continue COVID-19 precautions,” said Dr. Meena Brewster, St. Mary’s County Health Officer. “Wear face coverings indoors and outside when around those not in your household, physically distance from non-household members, and wash hands frequently. Avoid gatherings of people especially indoors, and maintain all of these precautions in your workplace settings.”

Community members who are showing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 should stay home and away from others, except for medical care or to get tested for COVID-19. For local updates and information on prevention, symptoms and more, please visit or call SMCHD at (301) 475-4330.

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