Local TV Star Capt Brady -July 25th 7pm- California VFW

Crow Bait

New Member
Veteran Chesapeake Bay fly and light tackle guide, and local TV celebrity, Brady Bounds will speak on "Taking Your Personal Fishing Habits to the Professional Level" at the Wednesday, July 25, meeting of the CCA MD Patuxent River Chapter. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. at the California VFW Hall, 23282 Three Notch Road, California, and is open to the public at no charge.

Also, we'll be selling 50 raffle tickets for a Half Day trip with the star himself, for $10 each. The trip is worth $250.

I hope to see some of you there!

(The beer is cheap at the VFW!)


My 401K is now a 201K
Darn, sorry I missed it, as I had a previous engagement. How about again on a Thursday night when lot's of people go to the V?:howdy:

Crow Bait

New Member
What do you mean Breeze? Thursday nights are the hot nights at the VFW?
Last night was pretty crowded... looked like some serious dart board tournament.

We'll be sticking to the fourth Wednesday of the month. The next meeting is August 22nd. I haven't secured a guest speaker yet, although I have some ideas.

Anybody in particular you'd like to hear?