Lonely at Christmas? Jesus can help


New Member
It occurred to me that there may be a lot of people out there this holiday who are really lonely. Widows, widowers, orphans, divorced, and those who are still waiting for that special someone to come along.

I've been there.... and got past it. I can say this though, if it hadn't been for Jesus I know I would not have made it through the despair. But then I did have Jesus.... and that was the key. I can remember sitting on the edge of the old boardwalk in Virginia Beach. Alone.... but not alone. He was there. I could feel His arm around me. He'd been there when I was a child and He was back again to comfort me.

Jesus knew what it was like to be alone. He left His Father at His home in Heaven. He had been close to His dad. They had created the world we now live in. He had been there when we were created. He had been there when they worked to create women. He had been there when they instructed Noah.

I figure Jesus and His dad spent time in a ship. They definitely knew how to build a boat. They must have loved to fish. They could calm the seas and change the winds.... what a life He must have left.... all to be born a human.

In the spring I see the flowers they created. In the Summer I hear the laughter of children they created. In the fall I see the beautiful fall foliage. In the winter the pines bow with snow they created. They worked together to knit all this together for us. Earth is a showcase of what beauty must be magnified in Heaven. Truly all these must have made Jesus miss His home.

As a human.... He didn't marry. There just wasn't a woman here for Him. He worked constantly but when He was alone with His thoughts..... I'm sure He longed for home..... Yep I figure He knows what it's like to be alone. He made it and I figure He's the only reason I could make it.

Yep.... I guess He is in my heart. Without Him I wouldn't know what real happiness can be.

So if you're lonely.... Just ask... "how'd you do it Jesus? Show me how, please" .... that's what I did.... it works.... Believe it....


I had the majority of this posted under another thread.... but I meant to make it another thread. Jesus understands our human emotions and needs. He'll help if you ask Him. It's true.... I've experienced it.