LONG HORNS!! going to beat ohio state!!


They're out to get us
much better...:buddies:

i liked this part more...
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err maybe this shows my point better... images.jpg



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For 1:50 or so last night.....

I remembered what it felt like to be on top..................I have been so pessimistic about this game (rightfully so) and have kept saying that I would be happy if it was a respectable game....well you can't get much closer than that and It still hurts as much as a blowout.....I think with Mizzou, Texas Tech and now Texas bowl performances we can say the Big 12 isn't as hot as everyone thought and the leagues have been more even than in years past...

I think OU is gonna get rolled by the Gators, one of the few teams this year who haven't been overrated.


They're out to get us
I remembered what it felt like to be on top..................I have been so pessimistic about this game (rightfully so) and have kept saying that I would be happy if it was a respectable game....well you can't get much closer than that and It still hurts as much as a blowout.....I think with Mizzou, Texas Tech and now Texas bowl performances we can say the Big 12 isn't as hot as everyone thought and the leagues have been more even than in years past...

I think OU is gonna get rolled by the Gators, one of the few teams this year who haven't been overrated.


The only team who played anyone out of conference all season was OU (Cinci and TCU). OU is the only team who is 'proven' out of the Big 12 teams. Regardless, the Gators played just as tough of a schedule.

Great game for Ohio State. If not for countless 3rd down and 4th down conversions (including that fake punt), Texas wouldn't have even had the chance at the end of the game. Hopefully Texas will STFU about a shared title now. USC has a better claim now after slaughtering OSU and PSU.



The only team who played anyone out of conference all season was OU (Cinci and TCU). OU is the only team who is 'proven' out of the Big 12 teams. Regardless, the Gators played just as tough of a schedule.

Great game for Ohio State. If not for countless 3rd down and 4th down conversions (including that fake punt), Texas wouldn't have even had the chance at the end of the game. Hopefully Texas will STFU about a shared title now. USC has a better claim now after slaughtering OSU and PSU.

The difference was IMO Tress's relapse into conservative playcalling on our opening possession of the 2nd half. Texas had a long drive (helped by a blown Roughing the Passer Call...no excuse) We went 3 and out on 3 of the most ridiculous plays called all night....and then after a long stop...went 3 and out again...the defense was exhausted and got pummeled the 3rd quarter...I really didn't see them driving the length of the field at the end of the game...but shows what I know....I still thought we had a chance with 11 seconds...all we really needed was 25 yards (we had 2 timeouts) to get into Petrey's range....Boeckman played great up until he held the ball way too long and took a sack...oh well, such is life. We'll reload and be back next year....and i'll sink into a great depression until baseball season starts....


They're out to get us
The difference was IMO Tress's relapse into conservative playcalling on our opening possession of the 2nd half. Texas had a long drive (helped by a blown Roughing the Passer Call...no excuse) We went 3 and out on 3 of the most ridiculous plays called all night....and then after a long stop...went 3 and out again...the defense was exhausted and got pummeled the 3rd quarter...I really didn't see them driving the length of the field at the end of the game...but shows what I know....I still thought we had a chance with 11 seconds...all we really needed was 25 yards (we had 2 timeouts) to get into Petrey's range....Boeckman played great up until he held the ball way too long and took a sack...oh well, such is life. We'll reload and be back next year....and i'll sink into a great depression until baseball season starts....

oh yeah, I was going to make a comment on bogus penalties but I couldn't remember a specific instance. That roughing call was horrible. That ref was protecting McCoy too much.

Boeckman didn't have that great of a game. 1/5 in the first half and 5/11 overall. Wooo! That was against one of the worst pass defenses in the nation. OSU actually only completed 10 passes all night (10/25). That 25 yards was alot more than it seemed. But if your FG kicker hadn't hooked that 2nd FG attempt so terribly (was it blocked or something?), you would have went to overtime and probably beat them. You guys will do well next year if Pryor improves his passing game. He's a frosh so it can only get better! Wells is probably gone though so that's a spot you'll need to "reload".

btw...any update on that dude who got hurt?


oh yeah, I was going to make a comment on bogus penalties but I couldn't remember a specific instance. That roughing call was horrible. That ref was protecting McCoy too much.

Boeckman didn't have that great of a game. 1/5 in the first half and 5/11 overall. Wooo! That was against one of the worst pass defenses in the nation. OSU actually only completed 10 passes all night (10/25). That 25 yards was alot more than it seemed. But if your FG kicker hadn't hooked that 2nd FG attempt so terribly (was it blocked or something?), you would have went to overtime and probably beat them. You guys will do well next year if Pryor improves his passing game. He's a frosh so it can only get better! Wells is probably gone though so that's a spot you'll need to "reload".

btw...any update on that dude who got hurt?

We're so deep at RB it's pathetic.....Herron will be another stud and we got the #1 ranked RB in the country this spring...we'll be fine there...it is replacing the defense that concerns me. I was convinced Beanie was gone until he got hurt again.....Alot of questions about his durability...I don't know if he leaves a middle 1st rounder, or comes back for a full year and leaves a top 2/3 pick.

Boeckman was the only serious passing attack we had, he was on the mark with at least 3 balls that weren't caught..it takes a lot for me to stick up for him..the guy is a complete douche off the field....Pryor has to improve..he's a tremendous athlete but in order to compete outside of the Big 10 he is going to have to learn how to throw...if he does he could easily become the second coming off Vick (without the dogfighting......hopefully)

The last I heard about Shaun Lane was they took him to the hospital, but he seemed to be okay..it was more of a precautionary thing....


They're out to get us
We're so deep at RB it's pathetic.....Herron will be another stud and we got the #1 ranked RB in the country this spring...we'll be fine there...it is replacing the defense that concerns me. I was convinced Beanie was gone until he got hurt again.....Alot of questions about his durability...I don't know if he leaves a middle 1st rounder, or comes back for a full year and leaves a top 2/3 pick.

Boeckman was the only serious passing attack we had, he was on the mark with at least 3 balls that weren't caught..it takes a lot for me to stick up for him..the guy is a complete douche off the field....Pryor has to improve..he's a tremendous athlete but in order to compete outside of the Big 10 he is going to have to learn how to throw...if he does he could easily become the second coming off Vick (without the dogfighting......hopefully)

The last I heard about Shaun Lane was they took him to the hospital, but he seemed to be okay..it was more of a precautionary thing....

Wells has nothing to gain by coming back. Same with Percy Harvin (Gators). Both have durability concerns, but coming back only gives them another chance to get hurt. They are both very skilled while playing and even if they returned next year and don't get hurt, their past injury issues will continue to concern NFL teams. They both should go pro and hope for the best. I'm sure they'll both go somewhere in the first round.