Look! It's Bill and Hillary!

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
"It was a cooling off, nothing more," says a top source.
Uh-huh. :lol:

Teresa Heinz Kerry has been confiding in staffers how the tour is just "nonstop movement" and how there "is no time just to 'be.'"
And what did she expect it to be? She's been a part of both of her husband's campaigns before, hasn't she? :rolleyes:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by jazz lady
And what did she expect it to be? She's been a part of both of her husband's campaigns before, hasn't she? :rolleyes:

What if she just said, "The hell with this campaigning crap, John. I'm going home and I'll see you in November."

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
What if she just said, "The hell with this campaigning crap, John. I'm going home and I'll see you in November."

:yikes: No, she can't do that. His numbers would probably go up. :lmao:


Sorry about that chief.
Wow a real husband and wife relationship and not the Cleavers, where Laura smiles at her hubby & bakes cookies while she is on more prozac than could choke a pony?


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by jlabsher
Wow a real husband and wife relationship and not the Cleavers, where Laura smiles at her hubby & bakes cookies while she is on more prozac than could choke a pony?


Seriously, I didn't mean that Teresa should stay home like June Cleaver. I'm saying that these families shouldn't have to be dragged against their will into the withering scrutiny of the media.


This Space for Rent
Originally posted by Tonio

Seriously, I didn't mean that Teresa should stay home like June Cleaver. I'm saying that these families shouldn't have to be dragged against their will into the withering scrutiny of the media.

How is it against their will? Kerry has been in politics a long time and so has Teresa (in a way). They knew what they were signing up for. If the simple stress of campaigning is killing them, what about the stress of a terrorist attack, etc...?


Sorry about that chief.
Originally posted by Tonio

Seriously, I didn't mean that Teresa should stay home like June Cleaver. I'm saying that these families shouldn't have to be dragged against their will into the withering scrutiny of the media.

I agree with you, kind of like the Bushie twins drinking underage - oh the horror! But when you enter the public arena everything is fair game. A shame, but that is the way it is nowdays. I could mention another president's indiscretions as an example, but we all know who he was. That is one reason several good people never run for office, too many skeletons in the closet!


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by jlabsher
But when you enter the public arena everything is fair game. A shame, but that is the way it is nowdays.

I agree, but I'm saying as far as the families are concerned, it shouldn't be like that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Horse ####...

That is one reason several good people never run for office, too many skeletons in the closet!

By definition, if you have skeletons in your closet, you are not a good person. If someone is not running because of something trivial and minor well, they ain't stong enough for the job anyway.

That's like saying Joeseph Mengele would have made a great head of the forensics department, which he would have, but, well, those damn skeletons.

The reason most actually good people do not get into major league politics is because a good person usually does not contain the massive amount of selfishness and fragile ego necessary to stand before the entire nation and say 'I'm the best man/woman for the job!'.

There are legions of very good people at most other levels of government, local and national.