
Rocky Mountain High!!
My Dani girl had a tooth extracted by Dr. Miller yesterday. What an adventure that was!! Dani was an amazing patient, and I was very impressed with Dr. Miller's skill as an Equine Dentist. Here are some pix...but they aren't for the faint of heart so look at your own risk.

Pic 1 The extraction tools
Pic 2 Her first peek inside
Pic 3 Numbing the tooth (LOOK @ that NEEDLE :faint: )
Pic 4 Coming at her with Power Float number 1
Pic 5 Giving her a break before working on actually getting the parts of the broken tooth out

She said her tooth may have been split for years, and being on pasture, she may have chomped a stone and finally broke it in half. :huggy: My poor girl.
More pix coming up.


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Rocky Mountain High!!
Now for the messy stuff...

Pic 1 The separator to separate the damaged tooth from the one behind it and stretch the ligament that holds it in
Pic 2 The hole after it was out
Pic 3 The extraction Pliers
Pic 4 the exact location of the tooth after it was out

She first took the broken half out and saw that it was broken straight through the pulp, which meant she would have to remove the living part of the tooth since it had exposed pulp and would decay and eventually abcess unless she stayed on antibiotics indefinately. She allowed me to choose to try antibiotics and risk her blowing a hole in her cheek if it continued to get infected or to move forward and just remove it. We chose removal, that was a no-brainer for me. She said SOME clients opt to leave the rest of the tooth in and take their chances. :frown: i just can't imagine that.


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Rocky Mountain High!!
The yukky old tooth. In two parts.
All this happened in just over an hour!


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Rocky Mountain High!!
Now for the amazing part.
Her smile BEFORE realigning her bite using the power tools and then AFTER.
her smile had gotten crooked because she was avoiding chewing on that side of her mouth all together.

The hole left by the tooth is HUGE, and should heal in about 2 months. She'll have to be floated every 6 months now, most likely because there isn't a tooth for the one on bottom to grind against and wear down, but she'll feel SO much better. :biggrin:
:huggy: I love my brave girl.


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Well-Known Member
Now for the amazing part.
Her smile BEFORE realigning her bite using the power tools and then AFTER.
her smile had gotten crooked because she was avoiding chewing on that side of her mouth all together.

The hole left by the tooth is HUGE, and should heal in about 2 months. She'll have to be floated every 6 months now, most likely because there isn't a tooth for the one on bottom to grind against and wear down, but she'll feel SO much better. :biggrin:
:huggy: I love my brave girl.

pretty smile :biggrin: What's the going rate for the tooth fairy for a tooth that size :faint:


I love her wild,wild hair
Hope Dani is doing well after all that yesterday:) She'll feel like a new women in a few days. I had an equine dentist come by to extract an infected tooth from a pony I had awhile ago and it turned out the pony had cancer and the tooth popped out by itself while they were checking him out. I kept it and made it into a necklace and wear it occasionaly when I go out. It's a real conversation piece since it is big and different to wear around your neck. Poor Rapadash was put down and is buried on my farm next to my first horse. Still miss both of them.


New Member
Now for the amazing part.
Her smile BEFORE realigning her bite using the power tools and then AFTER.
her smile had gotten crooked because she was avoiding chewing on that side of her mouth all together.

The hole left by the tooth is HUGE, and should heal in about 2 months. She\'ll have to be floated every 6 months now, most likely because there isn\'t a tooth for the one on bottom to grind against and wear down, but she\'ll feel SO much better. :biggrin:
:huggy: I love my brave girl.

:roflmao: Now that\'s one happy looking horse.


Rocky Mountain High!!
Wow great pics...she will be alot better now..what did that set you back $300??
You're kidding right? I WISH it was only 300 bucks.

Dr Miller was VERY good with all the flashing and snapping right in her in her ear, and going backwards so i could capture what she was doing. :lol: I couldn't believe she didn't yell at me. I have a TON more pix of the whole thing. I'm going to write a story for the National Rocky magazine about it.

I'm going to give them to her too, she uses a digital photo frame at her conferences so peeps can see what she actually does. It was SO cool.
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Does my butt look big?
You're kidding right? I WISH it was only 300 bucks.

Dr Miller was VERY good with all the flashing and snapping right in her in her ear, and going backwards so i could capture what she was doing. :lol: I couldn't believe she didn't yell at me. I have a TON more pix of the whole thing. I'm going to write a story for the National Rocky magazine about it.

I'm going to give them to her too, she uses a digital photo frame at her conferences so peeps can see what she actually does. It was SO cool.

Ouch :nomoney: :huggy:

Great pics though she probably charged you extra for that..:lmao:


Rocky Mountain High!!
Hope Dani is doing well after all that yesterday:) I kept it and made it into a necklace and wear it occasionaly when I go out. It's a real conversation piece since it is big and different to wear around your neck.

:huggy: thanks!

I'm not sure what i'll do with her tooth, it's in 2 parts and HUGE. I'd need a Pit Bull sized chain to hang it on :lol:


Chevy Is Da BOMB!!!!
OMG shes got to be feeling good. did she just kinda stand there??? i know she was sedated but when i had my 3 year old pony the dentist had to sedate him twice...