looking for a caregiver


New Member
We are looking for a caregiver for my grandma when she comes home from the hospital, she broke her hip and needs help around the house and running errands. they live in upper marlboro.

even if you dont know anyone in particular, websites or a direction to look would be great.



Dream Stealer
If you don't know someone personally, or have a friend that knows them your best is to go through an agency. It is more expensive, so most families opt for a little less time with an agency caregiver and use family to fill in..but you have to be careful with caregivers. Many have little or no training and with a surgery like a hip there are restrictions (no abduction, etc) that a trained caregiver/CNA would be better equipped to handle. Not to mention that with a loved one in a vulnerable state..having someone trustworthy is imperative..especially since with a hip painkillers are involved..and that can sometimes attract unsavory characters.