Looking for a computer..........


New Member
The hard drive crashed on my HP that was purchased at a computer show about 4 years ago. Dead, gone, done.

Does anybody know where I can find computers that have a Windows XP operating system?

I checked with HP and Gateway, and they only use Vista. I'm not ready to go vista because of incompatibilities with existing software.



mizteresa1965 said:
The hard drive crashed on my HP that was purchased at a computer show about 4 years ago. Dead, gone, done.

Does anybody know where I can find computers that have a Windows XP operating system?

I checked with HP and Gateway, and they only use Vista. I'm not ready to go vista because of incompatibilities with existing software.


I got desk top I could sell you or you could just go buy a new HD fr like$50


New Member
mizteresa1965 said:
The hard drive crashed on my HP that was purchased at a computer show about 4 years ago. Dead, gone, done.

Does anybody know where I can find computers that have a Windows XP operating system?

I checked with HP and Gateway, and they only use Vista. I'm not ready to go vista because of incompatibilities with existing software.



Well that is weird I got a gateway and it has windows on it not vista.


New Member
jp2854 said:
Well that is weird I got a gateway and it has windows on it not vista.

I just called them, all their new units come with Vista, but I can get a refurbished one with XP for $1300! Go Figure!


mizteresa1965 said:
The hard drive crashed on my HP that was purchased at a computer show about 4 years ago. Dead, gone, done.

Does anybody know where I can find computers that have a Windows XP operating system?

I checked with HP and Gateway, and they only use Vista. I'm not ready to go vista because of incompatibilities with existing software.


Take the PC to a Computer shop..have HD replaced with new one and see if the info can be salvaged and installed on new HD.

OR get new hard drive and buy copy of WinXP and install it yourself...


New Member
I already had the man that works on my computer at work recover all my info and save it do cd. He said he'd rebuild it, $275 an hour plus parts! I told him no. He's a business man, so I didn't argue.


New Member
mizteresa1965 said:
I already had the man that works on my computer at work recover all my info and save it do cd. He said he'd rebuild it, $275 an hour plus parts! I told him no. He's a business man, so I didn't argue.

You can check on Craigslist.com and see if they have anything on there. But I agree with the other posts, it may be easier just to buy a HD and XP disk from Best Buy, while your at Best Buy ask one of the computer techs if they do side work? See if they would be interested to do it for like $75, if you find a young kid that is hard up for money they won't charge alot? Just an idea


mizteresa1965 said:
I already had the man that works on my computer at work recover all my info and save it do cd. He said he'd rebuild it, $275 an hour plus parts! I told him no. He's a business man, so I didn't argue.
Go to Best Buy..buy a nice BIG harddrive, have the geeks there install it and install all your data from CD rom...
Or find someone here who is kind and will do it for free...
Not that hard to do at all.

Only glitch may be installing WinXP if you do not have the serial number.

Good luck and so glad all your data is saved on a CD...


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Bring me the tower. I'll remove your hard drive and let you take it with you to the store, in addition to telling you what to get- or I can just show you what to order online.

Give me the harddrive, I'll install it and Win XP. I also have a copy of Win XP, still factory sealed, that I'll give you for what I paid for it (I hate XP).

If you have a copy of MS Office that came with the computer, as well as the CD key for it, I can install that too, as well as all the data you need put back on.

Matter of fact, I'll show you how to do the above if you like. The hardest part is getting that "It's technology, its scarry and difficult" thought out of your head. After that, it's a cake walk.


New Member
I'm going on vacation tonight, leaving for NYC, can't help ya.

I have a few copies of Windows 2000, XP and 3 copies of Vista. I also have Office 2000, 2003, and 2007. If you could hold out for a couple weeks, I'd help ya.


Would THIS face lie?
I just bought a new Dell with Vista and so far I hate it...I cannot hook up a printer....I tried my Lexmark and it wouldn't load...I went to Lexmarks web site and downloaded the drivers for my printer and still didn't work...Called dell (On the phone for 2.5 hrs) and they couldn't help me...Told me to call Lexmark...on the phone with them for 1 hr 20 min and still no fix...They told me there was nothing I could do except maybe call Microsoft...Then I tried to install another new printer I had here and no luck there either....I still have my old XP system right behind me....I sure would like to have the XP on this machine....Have another issue with my right click...I can (and do a lot) right click to open in a new window and it won't open until I click again...I still haven't figured out how to put pictures on a CD yet either...I turned around and loaded my pictures on the old one in no time at all....First time I tried to put them on a CD, it told me I had 3 days 14 hours and 43 minutes left....I hate it and don't know what to do...