Looking for a Daycare recommendation


New Member
Hi All,

I posted this on the parents thread but was hoping I'd find some help on this thread as well!

I'm moving to the area in August/September and am currently researching daycares for my infant. I am coming to the area in a couple weeks and would like to check some centers as well as home daycares out, and I was hoping someone had a recommendation for me. Anyone have an awesome daycare provider they'd like to recommend? If so I'd appreciate it if you could send me a private message with the info. I'd prefer the California/Hollywood/Mechanicsville area but am open to other nearby areas as well... bonus if you know they will have an infant spot for September.



New Member
Katie Kare , but near La Plata not sure if thats to far let me know i can give you the number, just pm me


This Space for Rent
Stay home, take care of the kids, and collect welfare. I hear it is the latest trend.

If that doesn't suit you, try Creative Beginnings.


I bowl overhand
teacher123 said:
Thanks, keep 'em coming!
If it's a newborn you need to call them all now and get on their waiting lists..

VERY few if any have daily openings for new borns.. Ours is 16 months and just got into a daycare that we've been on the waiting list since before he was born.