Looking for a Doctor


New Member
Out of the blue Hubby told me he wouldn't mind having another baby. Problem is my tubes are tied. So where can i find a good Doctor to get them untied? At least talk to him and see if it's worth going through with it. Has anyone had them untied before? I know there are not really tied.


Have you thought about the possibility of having eggs harvested and having fertilized eggs implanted? I would think that would be less expensive than surgery, but I could be wrong. In the very least it would be less invasive.

Good luck with everything!


Out of the blue Hubby told me he wouldn't mind having another baby. Problem is my tubes are tied. So where can i find a good Doctor to get them untied? At least talk to him and see if it's worth going through with it. Has anyone had them untied before? I know there are not really tied.

for a obgyn i use dr.polko and she will tell you wether its worth it or not to have the surgery and what your chances of getting pregnant again are. I have used her for quite some time and really do like her she sits and listens to what you have to say etc.


USMC 1983-1995
for a obgyn i use dr.polko and she will tell you wether its worth it or not to have the surgery and what your chances of getting pregnant again are. I have used her for quite some time and really do like her she sits and listens to what you have to say etc.



Well-Known Member
I love Dr. Polko! She is great. Although she is so good that she is getting TONS of new patients I guess I should stop telling people how great she is and keep her to myself :lol:

Oh and there was a thread about this earlier today you may want to steer clear of Dr. Aron... at least for a little while :lol:


Out of the blue Hubby told me he wouldn't mind having another baby. Problem is my tubes are tied. So where can i find a good Doctor to get them untied? At least talk to him and see if it's worth going through with it. Has anyone had them untied before? I know there are not really tied.

I wouldn't recommend Dr. Aron.


New Member
I also use Dr. Polko. I switched to her about 2 years ago now and I absolutely would recommend her to everyone. She takes the time to sit and listen and if she can offer any options she will. She is just a very caring and honest doctor. It does take a while to get an appointment with her though so if you are interested you best get on the phone now to get an appointment. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.


New Member
Thank you to everyone. I read about Dr. Aron. YA i would be calling him at all. Lets hope Hubby doesn't change his mind anytime soon...lol!


Tubal Ligation Reversal by Dr. Berger

I found this site and it looks like it has a lot of information (I think...I didn't really read through the whole thing) and maybe it will answer some of your questions.

As far as a doctor, I would talk to Dr. Polksy. He is an excellent doctor.


New Member

If my husband told me out of the blue her would not mind another baby I would think he must be drunk. I would hope he had a uterus cause that's the only way he would get another child. That is not something you say out of the blue, especially when you have had surgery to permantly prevent it.


New Member
If my husband told me out of the blue her would not mind another baby I would think he must be drunk. I would hope he had a uterus cause that's the only way he would get another child. That is not something you say out of the blue, especially when you have had surgery to permantly prevent it.

I was a little mad but i always knew i would regret doing it. It was a last minute decision on my part.