Looking for a Pool League


New Member
I am looking to join another pool league, I am an APA player and shoot a high 6 maybe 7, right now I'm only playing 1 night a week (Thursdays) but would play 7 nights if I could! I live in Mechanicsville and am available to shoot days or evenings. Locally would be great, but would be willing to travel 15 or 20 miles. Thanks!

....For the a**holes out there, I set this post up for my Dad, who is retired and looking for something to do during the day. He enjoys playing pool and socializing, the negative comment was totally unneccesary, wish I had your life...its sounds soooo exciting.
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Go to Buffalo Wings and Beer in Lexington Park or Cadillac Jacks and just ask around. I have alot of friends who play in a pool league and im sure they could help ya out as well.


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
If you are a member or want to join the Moose Lodge on Mech Rd. they have a good Pool team and I think they even travel to different Counties and play. Mousetrap (is that still the name of that dump) used to have a pool League too. Try the new Hill's Club, too. Forgot their new name.


FancyBelle said:
If you are a member or want to join the Moose Lodge on Mech Rd. they have a good Pool team and I think they even travel to different Counties and play. Mousetrap (is that still the name of that dump) used to have a pool League too. Try the new Hill's Club, too. Forgot their new name.

You consider Mousetrap a dump? That's a high class place to shoot pool compared to what I'm used to... seriously... :lol: Thanks for the laugh today :lol: Interesting story though, when I was about 19 I traded in a car at a car dealership and this guy running up to me out of nowhere asking if he could have one of my plates... I said sure.. gave it to him, always though it was very, very odd... come to find out... 16 years later, there's my VA license plate... hanging up there on the wall in Mousetrap!! Bizarre!!


dems4me said:
You consider Mousetrap a dump? That's a high class place to shoot pool compared to what I'm used to... seriously... :lol: Thanks for the laugh today :lol:
You've got to be kidding. When I lived down there, we called it the Claptrap. :lmao:


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
dems4me said:
You consider Mousetrap a dump? That's a high class place to shoot pool compared to what I'm used to... seriously... :lol: Thanks for the laugh today :lol: Interesting story though, when I was about 19 I traded in a car at a car dealership and this guy running up to me out of nowhere asking if he could have one of my plates... I said sure.. gave it to him, always though it was very, very odd... come to find out... 16 years later, there's my VA license plate... hanging up there on the wall in Mousetrap!! Bizarre!!
My god, where do you shoot? :huggy: Poor thing. WTH did the plate say?


sushisamba said:
You've got to be kidding. When I lived down there, we called it the Claptrap. :lmao:

As in "the drip"? :confused: People that hang out there always seem soo much more yuppier, younger and trendier than the down-to-earth blue collar folks I like hanging with :shrug: I really did think that was a step up and preferred not to hang there much, didn't really fit in sort of thing :shrug:


FancyBelle said:
My god, where do you shoot? :huggy: Poor thing. WTH did the plate say?

Its the one in there that says "Kaution" - don't ask why or what it meant... I was a wild and crazy kid then :crazy: I'd rather shoot in a place that looks like a dump if it has nice caring people in there than a place that looks nice and is really a meat market any day :shrug:
I like shooting at my friends place - Huntts Tavern, those folks are like family to me :smile:


Mikeinsmd said:
:twitch: Where did u shoot pool? Ethiopia?

No :shrug: it just seemed younger, and trendier, etc... in there than the "real" blue collar kind of bars I like :shrug: ughhh... nevermind....
I guess I won't be planning the date when we go out huh? :lol: I don't think you'd be able to hang. :lol:


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
It's been a long time since I have been in there, but I think it's gone downhill since I was in there last and it was scary back then. I've never been afraid of anything in my life, but I don't think I'd go in there after dark now. JMO.


FancyBelle said:
It's been a long time since I have been in there, but I think it's gone downhill since I was in there last and it was scary back then. I've never been afraid of anything in my life, but I don't think I'd go in there after dark now. JMO.

You are too funny! :lol: And silly :lol:


Yo Gabba Gabba
PoolPlayer said:
I am looking to join another pool league, I am an APA player and shoot a high 6 maybe 7, right now I'm only playing 1 night a week (Thursdays) but would play 7 nights if I could! I live in Mechanicsville and am available to shoot days or evenings. Locally would be great, but would be willing to travel 15 or 20 miles. Thanks!

....For the a**holes out there, I set this post up for my Dad, who is retired and looking for something to do during the day. He enjoys playing pool and socializing, the negative comment was totally unneccesary, wish I had your life...its sounds soooo exciting.
You looking for APA, BCA or Bar-room?


New Member
The summer leages have already started for this season. It's a very informal league and the last time I played was out of Friendly Taverna few years ago.

Then men's league in the southern part of the county starts up in like late August.

There's a mixed league on Wednesday's and the bunch out of Hill's Club are nice pretty cool. I shoot with them for fun on weekends.

There's also the Solomons Island Pool League that is no frills and moves quickly. Unfortunatly I had to do a bit of driving.

I'll see if I can find the numbers for ya!


Well-Known Member
thakidistight said:
Go to Buffalo Wings and Beer in Lexington Park or Cadillac Jacks and just ask around. I have alot of friends who play in a pool league and im sure they could help ya out as well.
I thought that the APA teams got kicked out of BW&B and that they were all shooting out of CJ's. :shrug: