Looking For An Old "Pen" Friend...


New Member
Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone here may be able to help.

About 15 years ago, I had a "pen" friend. Eventually, after about a year or so of correspondance, I lost contact with them. At this time, I have no idea where they may be and I don't want to pay a fortune to find out. I know many of these services are costly and I don't want to use that route. Does anyone know if there is a website that may be off assistance for free? Thank you in advance!


Well-Known Member
lepgirl said:
Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone here may be able to help.

About 15 years ago, I had a "pen" friend. Eventually, after about a year or so of correspondance, I lost contact with them. At this time, I have no idea where they may be and I don't want to pay a fortune to find out. I know many of these services are costly and I don't want to use that route. Does anyone know if there is a website that may be off assistance for free? Thank you in advance!


New Member
Unless you have specific information about that person (i.e., social security number, date of birth, etc.), the online services won't be much help. Did you try the post office? If you have a last known address, you can send a request to the post office there and ask if they left a forwarding address. Otherwise, you might have a tough time finding them - unless they have a really unique last name - you could search whitepages.com or switchboard.com.


Has confinement issues..
Myspace has put me back in touch with at least a dozen people I haven't spoken to in years... My old roomate Katie contacted me through that site just two days ago and I haven't seen her in 15 years!!

It keeps me in touch with alot of people I don't get to talk to often. I love it!

Try www.zabasearch.com
If the person has had a phone number or something in the last few years, it might show up there.