Looking For Clues About C.I.B. Promotions


New Member
From: Dwight - Justyn Sayne Band
Subject: Looking For Clues About C.I.B. Promotions
Email: JustynSayne@somd.net
Location: Maryland

Has anyone ever heard of this C.I.B Promotions?
I have been contacted by a guy named James Ward who says he's with a company called C.I.B. Promotions and is trying to book local cover bands for an event at the Hollywood Firehouse in St. Mary's County for March.

He's not real quick to give up any information about the event he's planning, so, I am simply trying to find out more about this before I even get involved, sounds like he's trying to make some easy money off of some local bands, it just sounds a bit fishy to me. I don't want to waste my time if I can't get the answers my band needs, ya Know?

However, I could be totally wrong about this guy, but, if anyone can offer any info, let me know.