Looking for Family


Just wondering if anyone is here with the last name of Mister. I am looking for relatives or someone who may be able to get me in contact with them.


Should be Huntin
trabo1996 said:
Just wondering if anyone is here with the last name of Mister. I am looking for relatives or someone who may be able to get me in contact with them.
There used to be some Misters where I live in Brandywine. Grace Mister or something like that... I remember my Dad saying when He was a kid this guy lived there.


New Member
trabo1996 said:
Just wondering if anyone is here with the last name of Mister. I am looking for relatives or someone who may be able to get me in contact with them.

I know of two that lived down here at one time.. I went to school with a girl named Bette Mister, and she has a brother named Joe.

In all honesty, I wouldn't bother looking them up.....PM if you want the :gossip:


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
trabo1996 said:
Just wondering if anyone is here with the last name of Mister. I am looking for relatives or someone who may be able to get me in contact with them.
There are lots of Mister's in Calvert now.


That's a funny last name and there's alot of jokes in there, but I'm containing myself.
I do believe I went to dchool with some Misters though. That would be LaPlata High.


100% Goapele Head!

Mister, You’ve been on my mind
Mister, We’re two of a kind
So Mister, I’m Keepin’ my eyes on you

I Betcha think I don’t know nuthin’
But singin’ the Blues
Oh Mister, Have I got news for you
I’m somethin’
I hope you think that you’re somethin’ too

Scufflin’ I been up that lonesome road
And I seen a lot of Suns goin’ down
Oh, but trust me
No Low life’s gonna run me around

So let me tell you somethin’ Mister
Remember your name
No twister, gonna steal your stuff away
My Mister
Sho’ ain’t got a whole lot of time
So shake your shimmy,
‘Cause Honey this Shug is feelin’ fine



LexiGirl75 said:

Mister, You’ve been on my mind
Mister, We’re two of a kind
So Mister, I’m Keepin’ my eyes on you

I Betcha think I don’t know nuthin’
But singin’ the Blues
Oh Mister, Have I got news for you
I’m somethin’
I hope you think that you’re somethin’ too

Scufflin’ I been up that lonesome road
And I seen a lot of Suns goin’ down
Oh, but trust me
No Low life’s gonna run me around

So let me tell you somethin’ Mister
Remember your name
No twister, gonna steal your stuff away
My Mister
Sho’ ain’t got a whole lot of time
So shake your shimmy,
‘Cause Honey this Shug is feelin’ fine

My favorite movie ever!!!! :yay: