Looking for Lyme Dr. in Charles County.


New Member
Hi all,
I have been feeling awful since the middle of October and I tested positive on November 12 for Lyme. My PCP has been treating me with 500 MG Amoxicillin 3 times a day for 3 weeks. Thursday is the end of my medicine and I still don't feel any better. Spent yesterday in bed again. Would like to know of a Doctor/Specialist in Charles county to go to for Lyme instead of my PCP. Thanks for any help.


Hi all,
I have been feeling awful since the middle of October and I tested positive on November 12 for Lyme. My PCP has been treating me with 500 MG Amoxicillin 3 times a day for 3 weeks. Thursday is the end of my medicine and I still don't feel any better. Spent yesterday in bed again. Would like to know of a Doctor/Specialist in Charles county to go to for Lyme instead of my PCP. Thanks for any help.

Don't know about Charles, but Nasr is in Lusby and Cafferty is in St. Marys (I think he is in St. Marys anyways.) I see Nasr for my Lyme and love him! Several others on here see Cafferty.

Best of luck to you.


New Member
There sure are alot of people with Lyme this year. Wow.

Most of us have had Lyme for years and didn't know it. It's a very very nasty disease that does everything from cause you to feel like you have the flu to damage your brain.... I read that 8 out of 10 patients with Alzheimers test positive for Lyme [loss of short term memory is one of symptoms].... I read that a lot of people diagnosed with MS or even fibromyalgia may be suffering from lyme.... joints ache... nerves twitch... can't remember things... can't sleep.... legs cramp... hands spasm.... vertigo is a biggie.... it can harm the heart... it can do all kinds of things if not properly diagnosed and treated....

It attacks children too.... it can even attack them in the womb if the mom has Lyme....


New Member
countrybelle, where in Charles are you?

I have lyme too (this is my second time with it) and the first time I had it, I had to have IV antibiotics. This was almost 10 years ago and at least they know a bit more about it now...

Amoxicillian really isn't the one you should be on. If you have trouble finding a doctor in your area, ask your PCP to do some research and at least put you on doxycycline. I think that's the antibiotic that is the 'go to' medicine for lyme.

How far are you willing to travel? You want a doc around Waldorf - or are you willing to go to Northern VA or St. Mary's or what? I go to Cafferty in St. Mary's and I really like him - but I know there are other doctors around here who know a bit about lyme, they just don't advertise that because the CDC says that lyme should be cured after a round of antibiotics. heh.


New Member
I live in Indian Head but am willing to do some traveling if I have to in order to get the relief I need. Good Lord this stuff is awful. I think I would rather go through childbirth again then have this stuff. I have heard Dr. Cafferty's name mentioned more than once and it is always in a very positive note. I have heard of a Dr. Leon in the Waldorf area too. I am definately going to have my PCP do something about this medicine because the more I read from actual people that have Lyme the more I see the medicine I am on really isn't going to do anything and I sure believe it by the way I feel. Thank you for the response and the information.


New Member
I have been reading the same stuff. Maybe Lyme is why I have CRS (Can't Remember Sh**) disease and here I thought it was just plain getting old. Sorry, been trying to find ways to keep myself amused and positive with this diagnoisis. I don't wish this stuff on my worst enemy and I sure feel sorry for my dog, poor thing has had Lyme for about 7 years now. :-(


New Member
Thanks for the response. I am hearing Dr. Cafferty's name more and more, even on other websites regarding Lyme. I understand it takes a while to get an appointment with him. I may just have to check him out.


New Member
Thanks for the response. I am hearing Dr. Cafferty's name more and more, even on other websites regarding Lyme. I understand it takes a while to get an appointment with him. I may just have to check him out.

Countrybelle, lyme does suck. And it messes with your memory, cognitive ability, everything. It just attacks your central nervous system and wipes out everything in its path.

I'm with you - I've had kids and would happily go through childbirth again. At least that has a finite end and a positive outcome... those are hard to find in lyme cases. Chances are you are battling some part of it for a long, long time. I still have residual effects from the FIRST case of lyme I had, now I am battling new infections.

Doc Cafferty is great - and he leaves no stone unturned, which is important in lyme cases... sometimes the littlest problem can just snowball out of control, and lyme can set off other things and cause new problems (other autoimmune diseases, etc.). I have heard good things about Dr. Leon as well though if you want to stay closer to home. There is someone here on the board who used Dr. Leon for a lyme case and has nothing but great things to say about him... if you want more info on him, PM me and I'll give you her username so you can ask her (or she might see this and post - it was her daughter that had lyme I believe). At the very least, you want a doctor who has the courage to fight the CDC and the insurance companies that will tell you that you are *cured* after one round of antibiotics.

I do know people who have had lyme and were just fine after the 3 week doxycycline treatment... my father being one of those people. But just finding a doctor that takes you seriously when you say you still feel like crap is priceless when it comes to lyme - they are few and far between. But Dr. Leon might be a good fit for you if you don't want to travel and wait for Dr. Cafferty (and you WILL wait a while to see him - sometimes I've waited 2 hours after my appt. time before I actually saw him. That's fine with me though - he is the only one that is willing to do what it takes to get me well).
Good luck with your journey - I could write a book about how lyme has affected my life and my family for the past 10 years, the disease is just that crippling at times. But stay positive - find a doc who believes that you will get better, and just tell yourself that you WILL get well. :huggy:


New Member
Thanks. Your words are very encouraging. I am trying to stay as positive as possible. I found out yesterday that Dr. Cafferty is not taking new patients at this time, :-(. I have been hearing alot about Insurance not covering the treatment for Lyme and that concerns me as well. Does anyone know about this information or has anyone had experience with this? Sorry it just seems like I have so many questions and even to me some of them sound goofy. Thanks for any input.
Thanks. Your words are very encouraging. I am trying to stay as positive as possible. I found out yesterday that Dr. Cafferty is not taking new patients at this time, :-(. I have been hearing alot about Insurance not covering the treatment for Lyme and that concerns me as well. Does anyone know about this information or has anyone had experience with this? Sorry it just seems like I have so many questions and even to me some of them sound goofy. Thanks for any input.

Insurance is covering both my husband and my treatment. Both of our doctors take insurance. I think it depends on what type of insurance you have. My sister had Tricare and some of her regular doctors were not accepting it. BCBS has been great with covering our treatment so far.


New Member
Thanks. Your words are very encouraging. I am trying to stay as positive as possible. I found out yesterday that Dr. Cafferty is not taking new patients at this time, :-(. I have been hearing alot about Insurance not covering the treatment for Lyme and that concerns me as well. Does anyone know about this information or has anyone had experience with this? Sorry it just seems like I have so many questions and even to me some of them sound goofy. Thanks for any input.

Insurance will cover treatment - but much of that depends on your doctor and how much they are willing to fight the insurance. Insurance does have somewhat of a 'protocol' you have to do before they will cover things like IV antibiotics (2 months of oral abx I think?). Whatever problems you have with your insurance should be brought to your doctor's attention and usually the doc can get them to comply and pay.

Bummer that he isn't taking new patients right now - but try again in a month if you haven't found someone you like. I called up a couple of times this summer and was told the same thing - then I called up in Sept. and was told that they were taking new patients, so maybe it's just dependent on people leaving? Did you want to be just a lyme patient, or did you want to switch to him as your PCP? If it's the latter, you should be able to get in to him soon - if it's the former, I don't know if they take people only on the basis of lyme anymore...

Try Dr. Leon in Waldorf - I've heard good things about him too. Or Dr. Nasr, as others have said. I know of a couple on the eastern shore that treated me 10 years ago but I don't think you want to drive *that* far :lol:

I'm sure there are a couple in the DC area too if you want to drive into the city. Just don't despair too much - you CAN beat lyme and you WILL beat lyme. And if you are having other problems brought on by the lyme, go to the appropriate specialist until you can get your chronic lyme treated. This second time around, I've had to go see a neurologist for balance and nerve damage, and a psychiatrist for anxiety probelms. Both caused by the lyme - but until I can get the lyme completely taken care of, I need to address the other things. It does help. Staying positive is the biggest thing because this disease can really bring you down. There are times when I feel like I'll be sick forever - that's not true though, and I can't let my kids see me like that so I just get my sh!t together and go on.

I'm sure there is a lyme support group in Charles Co. somewhere - if not, I am hoping that one will start up here in St. Mary's very soon (there is one in Calvert at the hospital on Monday nights too - it's a bit too far for me so I can't remember the details but I know Dec. gal does - I think it was her anyway! I apologize if not, Dec. gal!) I've talked to a couple of people with lyme myself in an informal setting - and it helps SO much to have others who know what you are going through. As much as I love my husband, my Mom, and my other family members, they just don't 'get it' and they don't understand WHY I'm so sick sometimes - because I look so healthy. I'm sure you can relate a bit.


New Member
Thanks. Your words are very encouraging. I am trying to stay as positive as possible. I found out yesterday that Dr. Cafferty is not taking new patients at this time, :-(. I have been hearing alot about Insurance not covering the treatment for Lyme and that concerns me as well. Does anyone know about this information or has anyone had experience with this? Sorry it just seems like I have so many questions and even to me some of them sound goofy. Thanks for any input.
Actually.. Dr. Cafferty IS accepting new patients. He is a wonderful doctor. I definitely recommend him :yahoo:


New Member
Thanks for the response. I am hearing Dr. Cafferty's name more and more, even on other websites regarding Lyme. I understand it takes a while to get an appointment with him. I may just have to check him out.

I mentioned to Dr. C that he was being talked about on SOMD Online.... i mentioned to him that he is the Lyme Dr..... Dr. C says that he is not a Lyme Dr.... He says he is a doctor with a lot of patients that have Lyme.

I would love to be able to see him on Thursdays.... I'm actually trying to work that out at this time... but for now... I'll take any time I can get on his schedule....

I've been misdiagnosed for years. I've been prodded poked, stabbed, jabbed, scanned and MRI'd. Every time every doctor said that the tests are normal and that's all....

Dr. C.... listened to the complaints.... and he said "don't worry... we'll figure this out" and he did....

I bring a book when I go to the office... and I do enjoy watching the HGTV they have playing on the TV in the waiting room.... I know that he will take the time to listen to me when I see him.... and that's well worth the wait....

I would encourage anyone who has unexplained, undiagnosed ailments to make time to see Dr. C.... even tho I know I'll have to wait a little longer.... It's ok.... I know an excellent medical doctor is well worth it....

If you are looking for a quick in and out.... something like what people are now use to with other doctors.... Dr. C is not your guy... he wants to help his patients and that can't be accomplished with a 20 second interview.... you are a patient with him not one on the ideal number of faces he must see in a day to make enough to buy that yacht....

I hope you get well.... It's a real bummer that you are diagnosed with Lyme....
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Thanks. Your words are very encouraging. I am trying to stay as positive as possible. I found out yesterday that Dr. Cafferty is not taking new patients at this time, :-(. I have been hearing alot about Insurance not covering the treatment for Lyme and that concerns me as well. Does anyone know about this information or has anyone had experience with this? Sorry it just seems like I have so many questions and even to me some of them sound goofy. Thanks for any input.

I think coverage is determined by the insurance company. I had a PICC line put in at no cost to me. I was supposed to have it in for three months. Two days brfore the second month the Ins company decided that they were going to do their review at two months instead of three. So now I am back on Doxy and Flagyl orally.

My Doxy made me throw up this afternoon, and now all the blood vessels in my face are broken. It looks so GROSS!


New Member
I hope that ALL of us with this crap get well - and remember, it is a long, tough road - we HAVE to stick it out... and popscicle, I'm sorry that your insurance did that. Just stay the course. What insurance co. do you have, might I ask? BCBS has been ok with me so far.

And I'll ditto hotcoffee about Dr. C listening and being focused on the individual patient... he WILL figure out what is going on with you. Be prepared to have about 18 tubes of blood taken out of you and numerous other tests - but he will get to the bottom of it. I too have been misdiagnosed in the past (I think it would be hard to meet a lyme patient that was diagnosed with lyme right off the bat - we've all been around the bases a few times) and unfortunately the doctors just tend to get frustrated with patients that don't respond the way that their textbook says they should. Lyme is a tricky disease, and is very different for each person (due to co-infections, other health problems that might complicate it, etc.) and it takes a focused doctor to treat it.

I do have to say - my neurologist is the one who 'discovered' the lyme (or rather, his nurse practitioner who sees you during routine follow-ups). I had been going to them since some migraines struck me out of the blue a couple of years ago - not to mention that I had some neuro problems from the first bout with lyme. She suggested some bloodwork and mentioned lyme - I told her that I hadn't been bitten by a tick and that I was rarely near a place that I might be (as in, I'm either inside the house, in the car, or in the pool in the summer) :lol: She insisted and sure enough - big fat positive on both tests (the one that just gives you negative or positive, and the one with the bands...) She is awesome in the same way that Dr. C is - when something is causing problems, she'll run tests until she figures out what it is. Between the two of them, I think they have me covered (and BTW countrybelle - my neuro is fairly close to you, on the St. Mary's line... so if you need to go to a neuro due to lyme symptoms feel free to PM me - some think the neuro takes a bit to get used to, but he is smart - and you see her for the majority of your visits).


Active Member
:shrug: I am done with my treatment. PICC line is gone as of last Monday, no more antibiotics. Most pre-treatment symptoms seem to be gone. Hopefully, they stay gone.

Just dealing with some fauna/flora adjustment issues and a little bit of headache/dizziness. Noticed vision is more clear. My thought process and my ability to follow logic or make sense of things is much better.


:shrug: I am done with my treatment. PICC line is gone as of last Monday, no more antibiotics. Most pre-treatment symptoms seem to be gone. Hopefully, they stay gone.

Just dealing with some fauna/flora adjustment issues and a little bit of headache/dizziness. Noticed vision is more clear. My thought process and my ability to follow logic or make sense of things is much better.

:clap: Hope you continue to feel better!