Looking for movers / moving company


New Member
Can anyone recommend a local mover who's careful, reliable, and affordable? We're living in Dunkirk and will be moving just a few miles to Owings in a few months; I'd like to start lining up a mover in the next few weeks.

I'm a big believer in supporting local businesses and wonder if it's necessary to bring in a big national company for a move of two or three miles.

If you've had a good experience, I'd like to hear about it!




Indy Bound
We looked into movers last year when we moved and the large companies wanted like 3K just to move 5 miles. What I did was rent the UHAUL, and I put an ad here on somd for helpers, paid them 50 each plus beer and pizza and got it done in record time and made new friends. Its an idea if you aren't moving far.


Duck Molester
Upright's American Relo - (301) 870-8882

Ask for Tina or Dan. They are the owners. They are great people who will take good care in moving your belongings.