Looking for some advice for my daughter


New Member
I have a 12 year old,who has severe allergies,and asthma. She was also born with only one kidney. She is constanly "ill"..with things like headaches,stomachaches,and so forth..This is a daily thing,and she spends a LOT of time sleeping or laying in bed. I know at this age it is reasonable to sleep a little more,but what I really want for her is a complete and total physical,bloodwork,etc. She had surgery in January and had a partial hysterectomy for some abdominal pain that was caused by a condition that mimicks an ectopic pregnancy but was actually from a malformation of one fallopian tube and a "blind horn" uterus. We had been seeing her doctor for about six months prior about her pain and were told it was stress and from school,only to wind up finding this on a CT that I had to demand be done. She sees Dr.Miller right now who is wonderful,personality wise,but not all that thorough. So,my question I want to throw out there is - has anyone else had similar issues with their child,and if so,who did you see? I don't mind driving to anywhere in Md. or Va.


I AM an enigma
I have a 12 year old,who has severe allergies,and asthma. She was also born with only one kidney. She is constanly "ill"..with things like headaches,stomachaches,and so forth..This is a daily thing,and she spends a LOT of time sleeping or laying in bed. I know at this age it is reasonable to sleep a little more,but what I really want for her is a complete and total physical,bloodwork,etc. She had surgery in January and had a partial hysterectomy for some abdominal pain that was caused by a condition that mimicks an ectopic pregnancy but was actually from a malformation of one fallopian tube and a "blind horn" uterus. We had been seeing her doctor for about six months prior about her pain and were told it was stress and from school,only to wind up finding this on a CT that I had to demand be done. She sees Dr.Miller right now who is wonderful,personality wise,but not all that thorough. So,my question I want to throw out there is - has anyone else had similar issues with their child,and if so,who did you see? I don't mind driving to anywhere in Md. or Va.

I would see if Dr. Miller would give you a referral to Children's Hospital in DC or pediatrics at Johns Hopkins. We are fortunate enough to be driving distance from some of the best medical care in the country.