Looking for trouble this weekend!



17 cent said:
Whats everyone doing this weekend? What's going on at local bars, any good bands or anything? :elaine:

a lot of people in this area will be watching the Redskin game onSaturday :shrug:


New Member
17 cent said:
What time is the game? Is that the early game or the night game?

I have a feeling that the bars around SOMD are going to be a pretty depressing sight with all these skins fans crying in their beers after the game.



Ponytail said:
I have a feeling that the bars around SOMD are going to be a pretty depressing sight with all these skins fans crying in their beers after the game.

At least our agnoy was put off further than the 6th week of the regular season like the Eagles :neener:


pretty black roses
Ponytail said:
I have a feeling that the bars around SOMD are going to be a pretty depressing sight with all these skins fans crying in their beers after the game.


Maybe but I know of two places that will be a blast whatever the outcome of the game :getdown:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Ponytail said:
I have a feeling that the bars around SOMD are going to be a pretty depressing sight with all these skins fans crying in their beers after the game.

I'm not a Skins fan so I'll be the one pointing and laughing. :lol: