Looking for women to play...


Simply Put

Pax River Rugby is looking for women to join a new Rugby club here in Southern MD. We practice twice a week @ Chancellors and games are on Saturdays.
NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY TO PLAY! Everyone is green to the sport and we are all still learning! But hey if you have played, you better come out!

If you want to know more or would like to play, send me a PM!!

Website (in progress) http://www.paxrugby.com/index.html


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Rugby flippin RAWKS!!

Rugby- A hooligan's sport played by gentlemen. (or in this case gentlewomen)


Infinite Impetus

Pax River Rugby is looking for women to join a new Rugby club here in Southern MD. We practice twice a week @ Chancellors and games are on Saturdays.
NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY TO PLAY! Everyone is green to the sport and we are all still learning! But hey if you have played, you better come out!

If you want to know more or would like to play, send me a PM!!

Website (in progress) http://www.paxrugby.com/index.html



New Member
Oh wow that sounds good but I saw the ladies Rugby team where I used to live and lets just say a mouth guard would be needed.I would love to give it a go if I could.You do not have to be built like a steam roller though do you?


Infinite Impetus
Oh wow that sounds good but I saw the ladies Rugby team where I used to live and lets just say a mouth guard would be needed.I would love to give it a go if I could.You do not have to be built like a steam roller though do you?

Come out then.. tues and thurs evenings @ 6pm. Mill Creek middle in Lusby. and no, not like a steam roller.. :killingme

It's a brand new team and everyone is fresh to the sport.. all SIZES and skill levels. Come!!


Infinite Impetus
How much does it cost to sign up?

I think there is a $50.00 fee to get 'insurance' with the team.. not for you but, say someone goes to catch a ball and runs into a spectator. You don't have to pay it right off, come to a practice and see if you like it!

16+ if you know any other ladies