Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I'm looking for some links that will provide a brief, easy-to-understand history of early U.S. history... something that would be geared toward someone who grew up in another country, knows english as a second language, and will explain how our government is structured, why our founding father's made it that way, and the reasoning behind elected government officials.
A co-worker of mine who grew up in another country watched her first election process this year, and she recently confessed to me that she is confused about our whole government, about elections, and why we don't just have a queen or king or something similar. Although she's an American citizen by birth, she grew up in a small country in Asia, where rulers were chosen because of their lineage or because they had money, not because they were voted in.
A co-worker of mine who grew up in another country watched her first election process this year, and she recently confessed to me that she is confused about our whole government, about elections, and why we don't just have a queen or king or something similar. Although she's an American citizen by birth, she grew up in a small country in Asia, where rulers were chosen because of their lineage or because they had money, not because they were voted in.