Looks like the Democrats are acting up...



Saw something on tv that was a request from a Kerry supporter that said if you find no evidence of voter intimidation at polls to make something up.....anyone else see this?


New Member
You know, both sides do this...way to selectively pick out the side that you disagree with. (not trying to make you mad, just trying to make you open up your mind)


Asperger's Poster Child
I've read sign-stealing incidents affecting both parties. The ugliest part is that each side is quick to accuse its opposition's top leaders of encouraging or even masterminding the thefts.

If my lawn was along a major thoroughfare instead of back in the woods, I might put a Bush sign and a Kerry sign alongside one another, as a practical joke. I might even throw in a Nader sign just to confuse people further.


Im not saying it is true, just trying to find out source of what I thought I heard.


Super Genius
rraley said:
You know, both sides do this...way to selectively pick out the side that you disagree with. (not trying to make you mad, just trying to make you open up your mind)
Both sides do what?

Vandalize...ok, I heard one report of an ACT Up (interesting name) office being spray-painted with a pro-Bush slogan.

Bullying...the article mentions that Dems were bullied, but didn't offer any evidence.

Break-ins and robbery...you'll have to supply an example of that one because I haven't seen any.


Down here in Jacksonville, you can't have a Bush sign up for more than two days without someone messing it up or pulling it up. And the larger signs are getting spray painted over. Yeah... I would say the Dems are getting real worried. :banana: