Lorraine Diana,NP


New Member
Anyone know anything about her? Our daughter needs to see someone (NOT PREGNANT) and when I called to make the appointment I had a choice between Polsky and Lorraine. My wife had commented once she felt like Polsky was not really attentive at her last appointment and that he spent more time trying to promote Guardasil for our kids than worrying about her issue,so we went w/the NP. But then,as I googled a bit she I noticed she has been around the block as far as gyn practices go. So far I've found four other doctors she's been with. Made me wonder.
Anyone know anything about her? Our daughter needs to see someone (NOT PREGNANT) and when I called to make the appointment I had a choice between Polsky and Lorraine. My wife had commented once she felt like Polsky was not really attentive at her last appointment and that he spent more time trying to promote Guardasil for our kids than worrying about her issue,so we went w/the NP. But then,as I googled a bit she I noticed she has been around the block as far as gyn practices go. So far I've found four other doctors she's been with. Made me wonder.

I love Lorraine Diana. She is my favorite ....as far as "female doctors" go. :cheesy:


New Member
In all fairness, it is pretty difficult to give a review on someone who examines your crotch... Just sayin. :yay:

Not true. I can sit in the back at work any given day and hear reviews on many,many ladies in the tri county area. (twirls creepy mustache)

In all seriousness,I've seen a lot of people ask about dr.s/nurses on here and it is generally lots of good or lots of bad. But not mum. Only other reason would be people hate ME and since that isn't possible,it must be her.


New Member
I like her alright, she doesn't seem to "listen" she has her own opinions and I don't care for that. As long as you are forceful with what you want and how you want things to go she's ok.


mama to two
I like her alright, she doesn't seem to "listen" she has her own opinions and I don't care for that. As long as you are forceful with what you want and how you want things to go she's ok.

That is good advice. I actually "fired" my Internal Med doc because she wouldn't listen to my concerns. She actually said to me "if you aren't going to do what I say, than I don't care what happens." :yikes: This dispute was all about me getting reclast vs boniva for my osteoporosis. So, I found another doc.

Budd, I live in Calvert, so I have no input for your area; but I love my ob/gyn. Michelle Johnson @ CMH. As far as the Guardasil; my daughter got the 3 shot series, and I am glad she did. Good luck in your decision.


New Member
We don't mind doing the guardasil but my wife was there for a pretty serious problem and Polsky kept going on and on about our kids needing the shots. She had to keep re-directing him and finally just left frustrated. We've actually heard nothing but good about him,maybe he was having an off day?


New Member
Well,there's been one positive for her,and she's worked all over Charles and St.Mary's. Doesn't seem quite right. If I'd asked about Polko,the thread would be a mile long. Just doesn't add up. I think we're going to find someone else.