Losing in Philly...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
As a Redskin fan I take great pleasure in the misery of others, especially if it is in Dallas, Philly or New York. That said, there is always a special joy listening to my fellow football fans grouse and complain about their hero's when they be Eagle fans suffering at home. Getting run on. New QB not playing well then getting pummeled. Linemen jumping the count. Holding call on a TD. Endless injuries. Dreary day. That they paid tons of money to sit through. Drinking $8 beer. Facing that Monday morning hangover at work.

Some things are just better in Philadelphia. :evil:


why so serious
As a Redskin fan I take great pleasure in the misery of others, especially if it is in Dallas, Philly or New York. That said, there is always a special joy listening to my fellow football fans grouse and complain about their hero's when they be Eagle fans suffering at home. Getting run on. New QB not playing well then getting pummeled. Linemen jumping the count. Holding call on a TD. Endless injuries. Dreary day. That they paid tons of money to sit through. Drinking $8 beer. Facing that Monday morning hangover at work.

Some things are just better in Philadelphia. :evil:

Eagles are getting their asses handed to them.
Watching that one guys head (Eagles 55) almost knocked off and then him weaving about like he just downed a fifth of tequila was kinda scary :(
Rookie QB is a disaster, if not for Vick it would be a massacre:coffee:


Vick is on a march.

The Giants looked crappy despite winning.

The travesty of the day is the Lions getting robbed.


Football addict
Vick looked better than Kolb. Still early in the season but it should be interesting in Philly.

New York looked shaky early but turned it around to look like potential division winners.


why so serious
It was a good game. I was kinda hoping it would go into overtime but very enjoyable. So many injuries and Vick was doing so good. Kolb seemed a bit nervous but its still early in the season. Brand new team, should be an interesting season.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
As a Redskin fan I take great pleasure in the misery of others, especially if it is in Dallas, Philly or New York. That said, there is always a special joy listening to my fellow football fans grouse and complain about their hero's when they be Eagle fans suffering at home. Getting run on. New QB not playing well then getting pummeled. Linemen jumping the count. Holding call on a TD. Endless injuries. Dreary day. That they paid tons of money to sit through. Drinking $8 beer. Facing that Monday morning hangover at work.

Some things are just better in Philadelphia. :evil:
Mcnabb look so sharpe againts the Cowboys. HAHA
If Andy Reid isn't too stubborn (which he probably will be), this game might have saved the Eagles' season. I'm not sure Vick is a long term answer at QB, but I don't think Kolb is even a short term answer. Perhaps Reid has seen something in practice that makes him think otherwise, but I'm not buying it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If Andy Reid isn't too stubborn (which he probably will be), this game might have saved the Eagles' season. I'm not sure Vick is a long term answer at QB, but I don't think Kolb is even a short term answer. Perhaps Reid has seen something in practice that makes him think otherwise, but I'm not buying it.

I think Kolb is Aaron Rodgers three years ago. Andy Reid is one of those EF Hutton coaches; When he talks, I listen. 5 NFC championship games in 10 years is no small potatoes. If he thinks he can afford to send Donovan to the Snydermen, well, I guess we'll see.


New Member
Kolb didn't impress anyone back here. But Vick finally gave us all what we've been wanting to see from him since he got here.

Dogfighting or not, that guy is pure entertainment when he is on the football field.

We're hoping that Reid saw that he is more of a weapon than that he was previously being used for. He needs to be played more. The man can find targets and hit them as well as run like he!!. We didn't see ANY of that from Kolb. I don't think Kolb would have been able to find the field if it weren't for him getting buried in it so many times yesterday.

McNabb on the other hand, I didn't see the game. I tried, but fell asleep somewhere around the 14 minute mark of quarter #1. Didn't see anything out of either QB that impressed me to that point.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Kolb didn't impress anyone back here. But Vick finally gave us all what we've been wanting to see from him since he got here.

Dogfighting or not, that guy is pure entertainment when he is on the football field.

I've been waiting for some dumbass to say what I was thinking so I won't have to take the public ass whippin' otter and catt are about to lay on you!




New Member
I've been waiting for some dumbass to say what I was thinking so I won't have to take the public ass whippin' otter and catt are about to lay on you!



:lol: I thought about it a second before hitting "submit", but figured that I have on occasion on these very forums "resembled that remark". :lol:

Good thing we don't have the "Karma" system anymore.


Nothing to see here
I've been waiting for some dumbass to say what I was thinking so I won't have to take the public ass whippin' otter and catt are about to lay on you!



:nono: I have said over and over that Vick's dogfighting stuff was despicable but he was hosed by the court system that cost him 2 years of his career, not to mention the commish lording over him after he did his time. Vick, as long as he has his legs, is a way better than average qb. I am much more fearful of Philly with Vick at QB, than with Kolb.

Andy Reid is no dummy, Philly can see what Kolb does next season, not this one.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
:nono: I have said over and over that Vick's dogfighting stuff was despicable but he was hosed by the court system that cost him 2 years of his career, not to mention the commish lording over him after he did his time. Vick, as long as he has his legs, is a way better than average qb. I am much more fearful of Philly with Vick at QB, than with Kolb.

Andy Reid is no dummy, Philly can see what Kolb does next season, not this one.

Ha, Pony! See!? I told you yer ass was in a sling now, pal! Ha!



I know nothing
The whole eagles team started slow as did much of the teams this weekend (Giants)... Injuries didnt help matters either.

I dont agree with putting Vick in on third down conversions. Maybe once here and there, but you got to let kolb lead this team... for better or for worse. Let the starter be the starter...

However Vick did spark the offense and it showed. But they came alive too late in the game.

Its still something to build upon.

Kolb will shake off the Starting QB jitters and settle in nicely.


New Member
check out the eagles message board, everyone hates Kolb and people are missing McNabb and his deep threat passing already. Haha idiots!

This is the message board I went to... http://boards.philadelphiaeagles.com...#entry14723164

Quote "bring back Mcnabb plz..."
Quote "I miss MCNabb lol"
Quote "Let's bench Kolb and play Vick the entire 2nd half!!!"
Quote "corn on the kolb at a mighty 2.5 ypa."
Quote "Pretty simple, Kolb was never that good... and the excuses never cease to mount. He's playing with Vick, no rhythm! No, it's the O-line, not enough time! God, or it's just the Packers, no QB can pass against that D! Give it up, he's just not that good."
