LOST 7/14 - black Australian Shepherd


New Member
My dog Jessie has been missing from our home in Hughesville since Thursday, July 14. She is a mix, but looks just like an Australian Shepherd with a tail. She is a medium size dog, rather long, thick black hair, with a white chest and white and brown markings on her face and legs. Can be shy. PLEASE be on the lookout for her and call me at 240-320-2369 if you spot her. We are offering a reward.
Thanks, Beth


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I seen your signs posted. I'm down in Mechanicsville but frequent your way alot. I'll keep and eye out for her. Hope she makes it home safely.


New Member
My dog Jessie has been missing from our home in Hughesville since Thursday, July 14. She is a mix, but looks just like an Australian Shepherd with a tail. She is a medium size dog, rather long, thick black hair, with a white chest and white and brown markings on her face and legs. Can be shy. PLEASE be on the lookout for her and call me at 240-320-2369 if you spot her. We are offering a reward.
Thanks, Beth

Any luck? I live in Hughesville and saw your signs too. Keeping my eyes peeled when driving around. Can you be more specific as to what area in Hughesville?


New Member
have you contacted any of the shelters to leave lost reports? Tri county 301-932-1717 and Humane society of charles county 301-645-8181


Jam out with ur clam out
Yes, they have a sign on 231 that says she was found! :clap:


girl I work with lives in the area of the family... they have a sign there also!!! :yahoo:

:doh: I was gonna post something on SAT about this!