Lost Toyota key, anyone?


lower life form
Did anybody lose a key to a Toyota? I found one on the shoulder of Rt 2-by-4, southbound side, about a coupla hundred yards north of the entrance to the Navy Rec Center. Just the one key with no ID tag of any kind on it.


Active Member
Too bad you didn't find a dodge key. Hubby lost his a couple weeks ago, along with his house keys. It's the kind of key with the buttons and it costs $250 to replace.


lower life form
kalmd said:
Too bad you didn't find a dodge key. Hubby lost his a couple weeks ago, along with his house keys. It's the kind of key with the buttons and it costs $250 to replace.
Ouch! That's gotta hurt the ol' budget!


New Member
kalmd said:
Too bad you didn't find a dodge key. Hubby lost his a couple weeks ago, along with his house keys. It's the kind of key with the buttons and it costs $250 to replace.

I think I know where you key is at. By any chance, did it have an ARMY key chain with it.