Lots of Fun shows this weekend!


Ahhhh Florida!
Holly Point is having a fun show on Saturday and AMIT is having theirs on SUnday. We had so much fun last year.


laura+flare= gone
Holly Point is having a fun show on Saturday and AMIT is having theirs on SUnday. We had so much fun last year.

AMIT? I heard nothing of this one... sadly no riding for me. Havent rode in 2 weeks, flare lost a shoe, then monday the farrier came out and pulled them ( we dont use them in winter) and she is sore, and so is Bones. So the only other horse i ride right now is Reba( 2 yr old) , i FINALY rode her at a trot yesterday, and she would go insane if i took her somewhere else... shes not ready yet, but come spring yall will see her at the local shows in w/t green classes. Could i get some info on the Amit show for my friend?


Ahhhh Florida!
AMIT? I heard nothing of this one... sadly no riding for me. Havent rode in 2 weeks, flare lost a shoe, then monday the farrier came out and pulled them ( we dont use them in winter) and she is sore, and so is Bones. So the only other horse i ride right now is Reba( 2 yr old) , i FINALY rode her at a trot yesterday, and she would go insane if i took her somewhere else... shes not ready yet, but come spring yall will see her at the local shows in w/t green classes. Could i get some info on the Amit show for my friend?

I honestly don't have the info. I know ours is on Sat. and there's is on SUnday.


New Member
my pony was so good today in the wind teaching a lesson. all the horses were running like crazy in the fields and my pony did walk trot so good. wheeew first kid lesson done.


New Member
I am still surprised Roxie, who has been on stall rest for 9 weeks and counting has been so good.


New Member
i rode sadie today too, she was not as good. i think her back is more sensitive than other horses....to seat bones...she is a conundrum


New Member
haha yes i was trying to expand my vocabulary istead of just calling her a biotch

but we must remember:
"No hour of life is lost that is spent riding a horse." Winston Churchill


New Member
haha yes i was trying to expand my vocabulary istead of just calling her a biotch

but we must remember:
"No hour of life is lost that is spent riding a horse." Winston Churchill
made me look it up damn girl stick to the basics:lmao:

Main Entry: co·nun·drum
Pronunciation: \kə-ˈnən-drəm\
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1645
1: a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun
2 a: a question or problem having only a conjectural answer b: an intricate and difficult problem