Lots of no-shows expected at Republican Convention


Ubi bene ibi patria
"DAYTON, OHIO -- As Sen. John McCain prepares to accept the Republican presidential nomination this week, his party's four-day convention will be notable in part for who isn't attending.

Compared with past GOP conventions, a surprising number of prominent lawmakers and candidates will stay away from the festivities Sept. 1 to 4 in St. Paul, Minn. -- chiefly citing tough reelection battles, previous commitments or other scheduling conflicts.

"The party brand is in tatters," said the aide. "The president is highly unpopular. There doesn't seem to be much excitement around the candidate. And there's a real fear of being tagged with the Republican label and being seen with George Bush."

Lots of no-shows expected at Republican National Convention - Los Angeles Times


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's amusing that this has been a topic on several media venues, yet there was very little comment on the fact that THE LAST TWO DEMOCRAT VP CHOICES were not welcome at the Dem convention.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
If McCain's folks...

...have any pull with W, at all, they'll have Bush serving soup all next week to the people of NOLA.


New Member
A lot of those people who arent coming have been the same cowards who sat on their hands for the last 4 years while our President bore the brunt of Democrats attack dogs.

Except for the fact that democrats would get a majority if they arent re-elected , they dont deserve their jobs anyway. Cowardly bastages.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

A lot of those people who arent coming have been the same cowards who sat on their hands for the last 4 years while our President bore the brunt of Democrats attack dogs.

Except for the fact that democrats would get a majority if they arent re-elected , they dont deserve their jobs anyway. Cowardly bastages.

...Bush had been an American president instead of President of the World, the attacks would not have so much validity in the first place.

Most of the excitement about Palin has to do with her credentials; a real, live conservative??? KABOOM!!! Lot of pent of anger and disappointment with W and many others, now has someone to be excited about.

Here's to hoping she stays true to herself, America first, and screw the world. :buddies:
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wandering aimlessly
Hmm. I read that the four governors of the states to be hit by Gustav will be taking care of their responsibilities instead of partying; Arnold said he can't go if his people don't balance the budget beforehand otherwise he's going to ride them until they do; Bush is concerned with Gustav and may do his speech by satellite with Laura attending; and McCain has suggested they turn the whole thing into a Red Cross/emergency services telethon to help with the certain Gustav disaster.

Responsibility over pompous speech making. Country first instead of ego first. :coffee:



Habari Na Mijeldi
Hmm. I read that the four governors of the states to be hit by Gustav will be taking care of their responsibilities instead of partying; Arnold said he can't go if his people don't balance the budget beforehand otherwise he's going to ride them until they do; Bush is concerned with Gustav and may do his speech by satellite with Laura attending; and McCain has suggested they turn the whole thing into a Red Cross/emergency services telethon to help with the certain Gustav disaster.

Responsibility over pompous speech making. Country first instead of ego first.

Another first for the GOOPER's. Let's hope it lasts!


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Another first for the GOOPER's. Let's hope it lasts!

You must be nhboy's gramps. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree and you are both lacking in any sense at all. Ah, but there is an explanation. You don't think for yourselves; you let the Democratic party do it for you.

You are just another poster to ignore.


No Use for Donk Twits
Another first for the GOOPER's. Let's hope it lasts!

Brain damage causing short term memory loss? During Katrina, the states with Republican governors did just fine, in spite of being hit as hard as Louisiana. Now that Jindal is in charge, I don't expect the three year suckling at the federal government teat to continue.


Highlander's MPD
You must be nhboy's gramps. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree and you are both lacking in any sense at all. Ah, but there is an explanation. You don't think for yourselves; you let the Democratic party do it for you.

You are just another poster to ignore.

If you look at NHBoys profile and Nonno's profile, they both have the same birthday (August 30th). Gee, is it possible they are one and the same? I suspected so. After all, there can't possibly be TWO people that screwed up on this forum. Then again, we've seen some interesting people here.


Well-Known Member
Hmm. I read that the four governors of the states to be hit by Gustav will be taking care of their responsibilities instead of partying; Arnold said he can't go if his people don't balance the budget beforehand otherwise he's going to ride them until they do; Bush is concerned with Gustav and may do his speech by satellite with Laura attending; and McCain has suggested they turn the whole thing into a Red Cross/emergency services telethon to help with the certain Gustav disaster.

Responsibility over pompous speech making. Country first instead of ego first. :coffee:


Not pushing for Dem or REPUB, believe they are acting responsibally. After the Katrina fiasco. Total lack of Govt. response, Dem or PUB. Total shame for our country, blame it on the people who evacuated or chose to stay in NOLA for whatever reasons. Glad to see whoever who's in charge is paying better heed. UPfront response seems to be 100% better than last time. I thought FEMA and GOV was a total joke during Katrina. Even in a mandatory evacuation can't force people from their homes, only response is after mandatory evacuation is issued, no P.S. personnell will risk their lives to rescue you after M. E. has been issued. Evacuations clearly announced with lots of resources this time. Would look bad on any political party to be conventioning and partying while a natural disaster is occurring. Dems DNC went off without a hitch, no disasters othjer than Iragi war. RNC possible disaster while it's going on. Prayers are it will not be that strong when it hits shore in any part of the U. S. P. S. Former / Ex property owner in Panama City Beach FL. even during Katrina, luckiily it didn't hit there and now no longer own prop. in that area. The Gov's have to be there fot their state's in the event of an emergency, i don't think they are showing disrespect for the P. and V.P noms of the REPUB party. P.S. am a registered Dem with stong Republican voting record.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out

Not pushing for Dem or REPUB, believe they are acting responsibally. After the Katrina fiasco. Total lack of Govt. response, Dem or PUB. Total shame for our country, blame it on the people who evacuated or chose to stay in NOLA for whatever reasons. Glad to see whoever who's in charge is paying better heed. UPfront response seems to be 100% better than last time. I thought FEMA and GOV was a total joke during Katrina. Even in a mandatory evacuation can't force people from their homes, only response is after mandatory evacuation is issued, no P.S. personnell will risk their lives to rescue you after M. E. has been issued. Evacuations clearly announced with lots of resources this time. Would look bad on any political party to be conventioning and partying while a natural disaster is occurring. Dems DNC went off without a hitch, no disasters othjer than Iragi war. RNC possible disaster while it's going on. Prayers are it will not be that strong when it hits shore in any part of the U. S. P. S. Former / Ex property owner in Panama City Beach FL. even during Katrina, luckiily it didn't hit there and now no longer own prop. in that area. The Gov's have to be there fot their state's in the event of an emergency, i don't think they are showing disrespect for the P. and V.P noms of the REPUB party. P.S. am a registered Dem with stong Republican voting record.

...but this type of response is simply not sustainable over time. Katrina was a once in 40 year event, if that, plus levy and swamp management problems were as much to blame as the storm itself.

If NOLA is evacuated every time cat I or II comes along, the whole country will go broke.