Lott does it again


Football season!

But Homo Sapiens in Senate Demand He Step Down

Soon-to-be Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) apologized today for remarks he made last week in which he praised Cro-Magnon Man and said “the world would be a better place if Cro-Magnon Man had never evolved into modern Homo sapiens.”

“My remarks praising Cro-Magnon Man were meant in a lighthearted way and were not to be taken literally,” Senator Lott said in a Capitol Hill press conference this morning. “I want to apologize to any Homo sapiens I may have offended with my remarks.”

Senator Lott made his pro-Cro-Magnon remarks last week at an unveiling of a new prehistoric man exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution, unwittingly igniting a firestorm of controversy.

As he looked admiringly at the glowering replica of a Cro-Magnon Man, Mr. Lott said, “I sure do miss you, big guy,” before adding that he wished Cro-Magnon Man still roamed the Earth.

While Sen. Lott appeared contrite today, saying he “misspoke” when he suggested he preferred Cro-Magnon Man to modern Homo sapiens, some Homo sapiens on Capitol Hill were not convinced.

“At best, his remarks were insensitive, and at worst, they were highly offensive and hurtful,” said outgoing Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, a prominent Homo sapiens.

Senator Daschle said that he believed that Senator Lott’s remarks may have been “Homosapiophobic” and that Senator Lott should step down immediately from his leadership post.

But Senator Lott quickly moved to discount any charges of Homosapiaphobia on his part.

“Some of my best friends are Homo sapiens,” Senator Lott told reporters.


endangered species
Just to show how cynical I am...

I had to check cnn to make sure I didn't miss something.

:biggrin: :crazy: :duh: :ohwell: :scowl: :twitch: