Lottery #'s

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Anyone know the winning numbers for the Megamillion drawing last night? I buy maybe two tickets a year, on a whim. The site is blocked here at work. I just want to know if I have to stay here today or if I can leave for the rest of my life. TIA.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
edinsomd said:
Hate to be a wet blanket, but the Lotto is a tax on people who don't understand statistics.
Ed :coffee:

It almost kills our household budget that I spend that $2.00/yr.


This reminds me of the joke they played on Wanda Sykes show... each morning Wanda came into work and would take her numbers out the drawer and see if they were winners. Before she got into work one morning her coworker found out the winning numbers for the night before and went and purchased those exact numbers for THAT day and set them in her drawer. She pulled out the tickets (not checking the date) and thought she had won the lottery for the night before, she then proceeded to go around telling EVERYONE what she thought of them and telling people off, bosses included and that she quit, only to then realize later her coworker played a joke on her :killingme: :killingme: :killingme:


Well-Known Member
Here's a hint to regular Pick 3 players. My mom always played my birthday 624 $1 straight/$1 box the week before my birthday and the week after my birthday. She always hit. While working at Raley's years ago I told two regulars to do the same. Both of them hit on my birthday. :yay:


All Up In Your Grill
sockgirl77 said:
Here's a hint to regular Pick 3 players. My mom always played my birthday 624 $1 straight/$1 box the week before my birthday and the week after my birthday. She always hit. While working at Raley's years ago I told two regulars to do the same. Both of them hit on my birthday. :yay:

So, are you telling us that your birthday is Sunday? :faint:


New Member
Only six hits on my troll? Guess I better rethink that charter boat idea.
As for the giver of red:
"Are yo a wet blanket or a just filthy Nut rag - ching chong ping pong"
I hope you get back on your meds, and soon!
Ed :lmao:
Oh, BS Gal, I hope you win big time! :flowers:


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New Member
edinsomd said:
Hate to be a wet blanket, but the Lotto is a tax on people who don't understand statistics.
Ed :coffee:

there was a guy who had won $25 on a $25 scratch off, and a few smaller ones...and just proceeded to put all that money back in to scratch offs. I guess they are fun, but I would never put that kind of money into them. I'll pick a dollar one here or there just for fun, hit the $100 a couple times.

I learned my lesson after I lost $50 in one day....
I had found $10 on the ground, bought a $10 scratch off, won $20, bought 2 more, got $30, then I bought 3 with that, won $50, and poof, all gone. :( But it was for fun, and wasn't even my money! :razz: