Louis Farrakhan: Levees Were 'Blown Up'


Asperger's Poster Child
I would say that Farrakan is the black Pat Robertson, but that might be unfair to Robertson. Demagoguery and paranoia know no race. What color is the sky is in Farrakan's world?


Only a racist and/or bigot would say/think something like that. He's a tard. Maybe Kayne West was his source. :peace:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
gumby said:
Only a racist and/or bigot would say/think something like that.
Hello? Farrakhan is an enormous racist. Nation of Islam is the black equivalent of the modern KKK.

Fred Hoeck

New Member
tomchamp said:
Has anyone remembered Al-Qaida? Before Katrina, reports were that they were looking at sabotaging power plants, refineries and dams.

So, the big crater may have been from a terrorist bomb, or from damage caused by that barge that rammed the levee. Or maybe Al-Qaida hijacked the barge. Maybe powers that be are either overlooking terrorism in conjunction with this hurricane, or they don't want to scare the people.

Just a thought.


New Member
Fred Hoeck said:
Has anyone remembered Al-Qaida? Before Katrina, reports were that they were looking at sabotaging power plants, refineries and dams.

So, the big crater may have been from a terrorist bomb, or from damage caused by that barge that rammed the levee. Or maybe Al-Qaida hijacked the barge. Maybe powers that be are either overlooking terrorism in conjunction with this hurricane, or they don't want to scare the people.

Just a thought.
They would have loved it and I'm sure would have claimed it too....Nah!


Methodically disorganized
"I heard from a very reliable source who saw a 25 foot deep crater under the levee breach," Farrakhan explained.
Apparently he sent a dive team in for an investigation.

No doubt Bush has been planning this for decades, casually coaxing the blacks to live in the most flood-prone areas.


New Member
Fred Hoeck said:
Has anyone remembered Al-Qaida? Before Katrina, reports were that they were looking at sabotaging power plants, refineries and dams.

So, the big crater may have been from a terrorist bomb, or from damage caused by that barge that rammed the levee. Or maybe Al-Qaida hijacked the barge. Maybe powers that be are either overlooking terrorism in conjunction with this hurricane, or they don't want to scare the people.

Just a thought.
Leave the thinking to those qualified Fred... :duh:


curiouser and curiouser
Fred Hoeck said:
So, the big crater may have been from a terrorist bomb
That was some kick-ass timing, blowing up that levee during a Cat 4 hurricane and still managing to get out before the flooding. :yay: