Louisiana Looting The Treasury Now




Louisiana's congressional delegation has requested $40 billion for Army Corps of Engineers projects in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, about 10 times the annual Corps budget for the entire nation, or 16 times the amount the Corps has said it would need to protect New Orleans from a Category 5 hurricane.

The Corps section of the Louisiana bill, which was supported by the entire state delegation, was based on recommendations from a "working group" dominated by lobbyists for ports, shipping firms, energy companies and other corporate interests.

The bill would exempt any Corps projects approved by the commission from provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act and the Clean Water Act.

"This bill boggles the mind," said Steve Ellis, a water resources expert at Taxpayers for Common Sense. "Brazen doesn't begin to describe it. The Louisiana delegation is using Katrina as an excuse to resurrect a laundry list of pork projects."

Well I'm shocked! Democrats being buddy buddy with lobbyists for ports, shipping firms, energy companies and other corporate interests; trying to ignore environmental regulations; wasting money on pork projects??? How does a Cat 3 storm turn Democrats into Republicans?


Lovin' being Texican
Bruzilla said:

Louisiana's congressional delegation has requested $40 billion for Army Corps of Engineers projects in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, about 10 times the annual Corps budget for the entire nation, or 16 times the amount the Corps has said it would need to protect New Orleans from a Category 5 hurricane.

Please..oh, please let Haliburton be the lowest bidder. I want to see what those liberal hypocrits do then.


Fighting like a girl
Bruzilla said:

Well I'm shocked! Democrats being buddy buddy with lobbyists for ports, shipping firms, energy companies and other corporate interests; trying to ignore environmental regulations; wasting money on pork projects??? How does a Cat 3 storm turn Democrats into Republicans?

From the article:
Louisiana Sens. David Vitter (R) and Mary Landrieu (D) tucked the request into their $250 billion Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief and Economic Recovery Act, the state's opening salvo in the scramble for federal dollars.

Seems like a two party effort...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...you left out the best part:

The bill, unveiled last week, would create a powerful "Pelican Commission" controlled by Louisiana residents that would decide which Corps projects to fund, and ordered the commission to consider several controversial navigation projects that have nothing to do with flood protection.

Not only have they 'diverted' past federal funds intended to prevent what just happened but now they want a whole heck of alot more to do the job they neglected last time.

And they want no 'advice' on how to spend the money.

Huey Long would blush and that is saying something.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Not only have they 'diverted' past federal funds intended to prevent what just happened but now they want a whole heck of alot more to do the job they neglected last time.

And they want no 'advice' on how to spend the money.
You have to admire their brass. :lol: Now let's see if they can get Congress to go for it.


Well-Known Member
That sure looks a lot like Mary Landrieu hauling that loot.


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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
truby20 said:
Seems like a two party effort...
Dirty Louisiana politicians know no party boundary. I'd have to look it up, but it seems to me that there was a huge scandal involving Louisiana Republicans several years ago. Same stuff as this - graft, corruption, I think some bribery was involved.

I'll try and run it down.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Dirty Louisiana politicians know no party boundary. I'd have to look it up, but it seems to me that there was a huge scandal involving Louisiana Republicans several years ago. Same stuff as this - graft, corruption, I think some bribery was involved. I'll try and run it down.
Traitor... :mad:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Well, as yet the Republicans are still in the clear. The guy I was thinking of was Jerry Fowler, who was the elections commissioner. He got some jail time for taking bribes and voting machine kickbacks from the mob. After his trial, where he named a Jersey mob dude as his partner in crime, his wife was kidnapped (and declared legally dead a year later) and the cops didn't seem real interested in finding out whodunnit or recovering her body.

Fowler was a Democrat.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
In reading more about the kidnapping of Mari Ann Fowler, we find that they had the abduction on videotape AND had DNA evidence from a popped off fake fingernail that had tissue under it (probably from her scratching or hitting her kidnappers).

And STILL no suspects! :jet: And this was back in 2002!


New Member
vraiblonde said:
In reading more about the kidnapping of Mari Ann Fowler, we find that they had the abduction on videotape AND had DNA evidence from a popped off fake fingernail that had tissue under it (probably from her scratching or hitting her kidnappers). And STILL no suspects! :jet: And this was back in 2002!
Go girl, go!! :banana: :patriot: :thewave:


vraiblonde said:
In reading more about the kidnapping of Mari Ann Fowler, we find that they had the abduction on videotape AND had DNA evidence from a popped off fake fingernail that had tissue under it (probably from her scratching or hitting her kidnappers).

And STILL no suspects! :jet: And this was back in 2002!