Love Letters: Caught Her BF on Craigslist Looking for Men


Lawful neutral

I found out my boyfriend of two years browses Craigslist for other men. I borrowed his iPad and found the personal ads he looked at and then found emails setting up meetings with other men. Some of these emails even included pornographic images of him in my clothes in my home.

I confronted him and he said that it is a joke, he never met any men. He said that the pictures were him just "being silly" and something for him and his coworkers to do when bored. We have serious trust issues in our relationship and he has a history of cheating and lying to me. He promised to stop doing this and wipe his iPad, but days later I found Craigslist active on his phone and his passwords changed on his iPad.

He is currently moving into my home as he recently sold the home he owned with an ex-fiancée. I have a young child and I'm at a total loss about what to do. I'm worried about my health, what I may be exposing my family to, and his continued pattern of lies and hiding.



mama to two
:lol: Thanks for the laugh to start the day!

This woman had plenty of reasons to kick this guy to the curb before the new discovery. She is at a loss of what to do?

Really? :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'd be pissed if Monello was wearing my clothes with out asking.

Heck, I'd be pissed if Monello could fit in my clothes.

nobody really

I need a nap
"He is currently moving into my home as he recently sold the home he owned with an ex-fiancée. I have a young child and I'm at a total loss about what to do. I'm worried about my health, what I may be exposing my family to, and his continued pattern of lies and hiding".

a total loss about what to do? good grief....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
One of the chicks I dated had a similar experience. Guy she thought was interested in her, buds over time, and he was searching for dudes on HER computer. Blew her mind because he was, on the outside, 100% blue color biker dude. Blue collar job, blue collar appearance. She says that this is huge these days, bi-guys on the 'down lo', married, kids, cruising craigslist. Gay rednecks.

Maybe all the fears are true? Maybe gay marriage as made a whole bunch of manly men gay as tinkerbell??? :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, being gay is fine. Being gay and pretending you're hetero so you can be in a traditional relationship is fine. Trolling for dudes on freaking Craigslist - NOT FINE.

Anyway, this woman is a tool so she should stick with her guy because she's not going to do any better.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'd be pissed if Monello was wearing my clothes with out asking.

Heck, I'd be pissed if Monello could fit in my clothes.

I found out my boyfriend of two years browses Craigslist for other men. I borrowed his iPad and found the personal ads he looked at and then found emails setting up meetings with other men. Some of these emails even included pornographic images of him in my clothes in my home.

I confronted him and he said that it is a joke, he never met any men. He said that the pictures were him just "being silly" and something for him and his coworkers to do when bored. We have serious trust issues in our relationship and he has a history of cheating and lying to me. He promised to stop doing this and wipe his iPad, but days later I found Craigslist active on his phone and his passwords changed on his iPad.

He is currently moving into my home as he recently sold the home he owned with an ex-fiancée. I have a young child and I'm at a total loss about what to do. I'm worried about my health, what I may be exposing my family to, and his continued pattern of lies and hiding but, most of all, he looks better in my cloths than I do and that I do not forgive. Help!!! .
