Low blood pressure


Well-Known Member
You only ever hear about High Blood pressure. My mother gets low blood pressure sometimes. This AM it was 71/41. What might cause BP to drop so low? We have asked several medical professionals and never really get an answer.


Dream Stealer
Couple things. One, what is being used to take the BP? I do not trust those automatic ones, and certainly not the wrist ones, they can give you a rough idea, but I wouldn't take the numbers as gospel. Second, upon waking our bp is rather low, so if it is taken, for instance before getting up for the day, the number is going to be low. ESP if it is taken right after sitting or standing up after being in bed all night, the change in positiom can cause it to drop.

most common reason for low bp is probably dehydration, especially in the elderly. that can lower your bp fairly quick..and for those on diuretics or "water pills" it can happen quick. There are a few other medications that can lower bp as well. Also, it is important to rule out any internal bleeding (from say, a gi bleed or some such) to make sure that's not the cause. Generally, low bp isn't "treated" per se, but if the cause is found it can resolve..


Active Member
Lib is totally right, but I wanted to add something too. She might be taking her BP Meds, and accidentally taking more than prescribed. Sometimes, I forget if I have taken my Med, and take it again, If her Medication is new, you might want to talk to the Doctor to see if she can either take another Medication, or something less potent. Hypotention is only a problem if the Patient is dizzy, or lethargic after taking it. Or in cases of dehydration, like Lib said, or if they are in shock because of a medical condition, or trauma. When, and if you do go to the Doctor with her, bring all medications that she takes, even if it is RX'd by another Doctor, to include the over-the-counter one's. So the Doctor can see if any of the meds are making the others stronger, or weaker. The very best method of taking the BP is the good old fashioned Cuff, and Stethescope.


UnStAbLe YeT sAfE
I've been through 4 doctors and 2 heart doctors and multiple expensive tests, no one can find a reason why mine is so low. My grandmother also had the same issue. I normally hover in the lower 70's/40's. I upped my salt and water intakes and it's brought it out of the 60's at least, it helped with the constant dizziness, and feeling faint. Exercise gives me a massive killer blood pressure migraine so I was told to limit it a lot to decrease the stroke probability, so be very careful if you start getting her moving around a bit more.

Good Luck, hopefully they will be able to find a reason and get her fixed up!