Low Blood Sugar


New Member
Anyone have any recommendations for a Endocrinologist in the area?I know
there is a month to a month and a half wait to see one.
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I have just found out that I am Hypoglycemic I went through the 3 hour
glucose tolerance test and at the end of the 3 rd hour my glucose level
was 43 I have been advised to see a Endocrinologist.Does anyone have
any advise or any information they can give me I know that 43 is low, but
I was really exspecting the test to turn out with high readings not low.

I have a appt. with a Endocrinologist they are all booked up until the middle of Sept.I am so confussed as to the whole low blood sugar treatment and
what causes it.I would like to have some information from anyone who knows
about this condition.

Where are you at ?


New Member
I got told I would have to wait till Aug. 26 and that was a month ago. Had I waited that long to get help I could be dead with how high my sugars were going. I went to my GP for help until I could get into the Endo's office.