Low Cost Cat Neuterathon


New Member
:howdy: Please help pass the word about:

Low Cost Neutering for Male Cats – Sunday, June 24, the Calvert County Pet Coalition will sponsor a low cost neuter clinic for male cats 4 months or older at the Chesapeake Ranch Estates Clubhouse in Lusby. Low cost shots and microchipping can be provided at the same time your pet is being neutered. Carriers and humane traps are available to loan. Drop off your kitty Sunday morning between 7:30-8:30 a.m. and pick him up that afternoon between 4:00-5:00 p.m. To make an appointment call 410-414-7291.

Thank you!
Dot Brady, Volunteer
Patuxent Animal Welfare Society, Inc. (PAWS)


I wanna be a SMIB
All this low cost and free spay and nuetering going around makes me want to up the kitty population in my house. Now all I need to do is convince husband.