Dept of Environment Lt. Gov. Rutherford, Environment Sec. Grumbles honor winners of Md. Green Registry awards


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Governor Boyd K. Rutherford, Environment Secretary Ben Grumbles Honor Winners of
Maryland Green Registry Sustainability Leadership Awards

Members save nearly $94 million through enhanced environmental practices

BALTIMORE (June 9, 2021) – Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford and Maryland Department of the Environment Secretary Ben Grumbles today announced the annual Maryland Green Registry Sustainability Leadership Awards and environmental results. Those results showed continued gains in reducing pollution, along with nearly $94 million in cost savings through environmental practices.

“The coronavirus pandemic has presented many challenges. Members of the Maryland Green Registry have displayed great resilience as they continue to move forward,” said Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford. “Thank you to members of the Maryland Green Registry for your commitment to innovation and sustainability in the workplace. Organizations like yours make our state competitive, and keep Maryland open for business.”

“Maryland is a national leader in innovative green business practices, especially among our more than 600 registry members,” Environment Secretary Ben Grumbles said. “We salute these environmental stewards who continue to show it pays to be green.”

The Leadership Award winners are:

Baltimore Community ToolBank
Chesapeake Bay Roasting Company
Frederick County Government
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
West Nottingham Academy

Winners were chosen based on their commitment to continuous improvement and environmental results achieved through sustainable practices. A video of the awards event, featuring submissions from all the award winners, can be found on the Maryland Green Registry website.

For the first time, state agencies were recognized for their energy performance and efforts toward meeting the energy use reduction goals for state-owned facilities established in Governor Larry Hogan’s Executive Order. The winners were:

State Agency Energy Award
Maryland Department of Health

State Building Energy Award
Maryland Department of General Services’ Rockville District Court and Multi-Service Center

The designees of the 2021 Maryland Green Registry Leadership Circle were also announced during the event. This one-year designation is for former Leadership Award Winners demonstrating a continued commitment to improvement through significant new sustainable practices and results.

The 2021 members of the Leadership Circle are:

Hub Labels
Northrop Grumman

The Maryland Green Registry was launched in 2009 to promote and recognize sustainable practices by organizations throughout the state. The free program offers tips and resources to help organizations set and meet their own goals on the path to sustainability. There are currently 585 member organizations.

As part of their online member profile, Maryland Green Registry members share at least one quantitative measurement. The results are collected to demonstrate that even small efforts among a group of committed organizations can lead to impressive results. The results also emphasize the importance of measurement to the successful management of environmental impacts at any type and size of organization. Registry members have reduced greenhouse gas emissions significantly and are saving $94 million annually through their sustainable practices.

While they represent a variety of facility types and sizes, all winners have several key factors in common that contribute to their success: an organization-wide commitment to environmental performance, as well as annual environmental goals, and results measurement.

The following results were achieved on an annual basis between 2020 and 2021:

523,000 pounds of hazardous waste reduced
5.77 million pounds of nonhazardous waste reduced
1.07 billion pounds of non-hazardous waste recycled
25 million pounds of material composted
593,000 gallons of fuel saved
9.80 million vehicle miles traveled reduced
482 million kWh electricity saved
246 million gallons of water conserved
2.66 million metric tons carbon dioxide equivalent reduced
$94 million saved

View infographic of annual results


Maryland Green Registry
Sustainability Leadership Award Winner Profiles
View video of the Maryland Green Registry awards presentation

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