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The Widow’s Offering
When I was a child, my teacher asked all the children to bring in something from home to be used in arts and crafts. I loved this teacher for some reason. Anything she asked me to do, I did to the very best of my ability. So when I was given this assignment, I search the house for something that meant a lot to me to put into the crafts box.
This was in the late 50's so there weren't a lot of silk flowers and Michaels craft store was not across the bridge. My mother had one of those velvet roses. I thought this beautiful rose would make the best contribution. I talked my mother out of the rose and took it to school. All the way to school I carried it with pride.
When I got to the class room, the teacher was holding the craft collections box. I proudly put the rose in the box. The teacher agreed it was most beautiful. I'll never forget how happy I was.
I donated that rose to show my adoration for that teacher.
That's what this verse reminds me of. The rich give their money to the church with ease. They traveled to Jerusalem in a large group with plenty of men to protect their riches. This poor woman had probably sewn those two copper pieces into her clothes to guard them on the trip.
She gave her two copper coins out of adoration.

Luke 21:1 As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. 2 He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 3 “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. 4 All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”
When I was a child, my teacher asked all the children to bring in something from home to be used in arts and crafts. I loved this teacher for some reason. Anything she asked me to do, I did to the very best of my ability. So when I was given this assignment, I search the house for something that meant a lot to me to put into the crafts box.
This was in the late 50's so there weren't a lot of silk flowers and Michaels craft store was not across the bridge. My mother had one of those velvet roses. I thought this beautiful rose would make the best contribution. I talked my mother out of the rose and took it to school. All the way to school I carried it with pride.
When I got to the class room, the teacher was holding the craft collections box. I proudly put the rose in the box. The teacher agreed it was most beautiful. I'll never forget how happy I was.
I donated that rose to show my adoration for that teacher.
That's what this verse reminds me of. The rich give their money to the church with ease. They traveled to Jerusalem in a large group with plenty of men to protect their riches. This poor woman had probably sewn those two copper pieces into her clothes to guard them on the trip.
She gave her two copper coins out of adoration.