Lumbar Epidurals


New Member
Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone has ever had to have a lumbar epidural done. I have a herniated disc in the L5S1 and am scheduled to have an epidural done tomorrow morning at Calvert Memorial. Not looking forward to having needles in my back, do they put you to sleep? And most definately not looking forward to it, due to the fact that I'm leaving for Florida early Saturday morning. Thanks in advance :faint:


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone has ever had to have a lumbar epidural done. I have a herniated disc in the L5S1 and am scheduled to have an epidural done tomorrow morning at Calvert Memorial. Not looking forward to having needles in my back, do they put you to sleep? And most definately not looking forward to it, due to the fact that I'm leaving for Florida early Saturday morning. Thanks in advance :faint:

My mom and sister have this done for herniated discs as well. They go to Waldorf to have it done. Previously, they used twilight sleep to do it, however in the past month or 2 they are now using general.


Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone has ever had to have a lumbar epidural done. I have a herniated disc in the L5S1 and am scheduled to have an epidural done tomorrow morning at Calvert Memorial. Not looking forward to having needles in my back, do they put you to sleep? And most definately not looking forward to it, due to the fact that I'm leaving for Florida early Saturday morning. Thanks in advance :faint:

I have had several epidurals and spinal taps. They literally use a 4 inch needle to get into your spine. But don't worry, if you find a spot on the wall and just stare at it and concentrate on that spot you hardly feel anything. Mostly like a pinch. You will be fine. Good luck and what ever you do stay laying down for a while after you have it or you will get a headache from hell! :huggy:


off the shelf
No they don't put you to sleep....they numb the area where they are going to insert the's still painful if you don't have a high tolerance for pain


Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone has ever had to have a lumbar epidural done. I have a herniated disc in the L5S1 and am scheduled to have an epidural done tomorrow morning at Calvert Memorial. Not looking forward to having needles in my back, do they put you to sleep? And most definately not looking forward to it, due to the fact that I'm leaving for Florida early Saturday morning. Thanks in advance :faint:

My husband is having the last one of 3 done today at St. Mary's Hosp.
The first one helped him alot.....and no they did not put him to sleep.
The second one, he did not rest after they did it and he worked that night so it did not do as well. This one he plans to do as they tell him, go right home and rest.....he can go back to work tomorrow.
Just do as they tell you and rest and you should actually feel pretty good for your trip, if it goes like it did for my hubby...


So happy!
:smoochy: I had 2 done. The 1st one was not bad. Do not work yourself up. I did and I ended up passing out because of it. LOL. I'm a tard. After that it was good. The second one not so much. Big bruse bad swelling in bed for days. The Dr that did the epidural said that should have not happen and would not do the 3rd one. Oh I was wide awake by the way.


Live 4 today!
Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone has ever had to have a lumbar epidural done. I have a herniated disc in the L5S1 and am scheduled to have an epidural done tomorrow morning at Calvert Memorial. Not looking forward to having needles in my back, do they put you to sleep? And most definately not looking forward to it, due to the fact that I'm leaving for Florida early Saturday morning. Thanks in advance :faint:

I had one done at Calvert Pain Clinic in L4/5 area. They first numb you with lidocaine then they insert the needle and leave only a small catheter and push the meds in. You can definitely feel them pushing the meds into your spine. They do not put you to sleep, but if you are anxious they will give you a xanax if you have a driver, which they should have told you to bring one anyway. Don't be afraid to ask for something if you feel you need it.
I was sore for just a few days. For me, it lasted about 1 month..not long enough. Never went back. You will be fine
I've had a number of them, some to inject dye for scan tests, some for pain medication for a bad disk. It's not a big deal, just local anesthetic before the injection. But, I'm a big baby when it comes to needles in my back, and I sweat bullets until it's done.

And on that note... I was having a myelogram (sp?) done and needed a dye injection. You sit on the end of a table and lean over. The doc and the nurses are back there, chattering away, and the doc is telling jokes. Funny jokes. I'm trying very hard to stifle my laughs, not working... I had to ask him not to tell anymore while he had that needle in there.... TYVM.


I am so very blessed
I had them done on and off for about 12 years. Same issue as you...herniated discs and severe sciatica.

The shot itself is just a teensy bit painful, sorta like a slight bee sting at the lower part of the back. The pain wears off quickly, but the doctor encourages you to take it easy for the remainder of the day. You must have someone with you who will drive you home, too.

The shots are administered in an allotment of three shots. Oftentimes, the first shot is enough to get rid of your pain. Sometimes, though, if the pain continues, they'll have you come back a few weeks later for the second shot. And if the pain is still evident after the second shot, you'll go back in another couple of weeks for the third shot. Most often, I only used the two shots, but someimes I did use all three.

Because of side effects of steroids, they don't like you to get them too frequently, so you'll be limited to how many doses you can get in a year period.

After awhile, my shots ended up not providing any relief, and I had to find another means to get relief. Ultimately I ended up with spinal surgery - absolutely the best thing ever to finally get rid of the excruitating sciatica pain.

Good luck!


New Member
Well I had them done today, wasn't too bad, sure do feel the pain though, the doc said everything went well and he was surprised I didn't move much... I was thinking about having a nice ice cold Bud Light at the time!!! :buddies: Thanks for everyones replies back!
Well I had them done today, wasn't too bad, sure do feel the pain though, the doc said everything went well and he was surprised I didn't move much... I was thinking about having a nice ice cold Bud Light at the time!!! :buddies: Thanks for everyones replies back!

Hope it helps. Feel better.:buddies: