

PREMO Member
OECD Fears Middle Class Civil Unrest Is Coming

The OECD is now warning like Picketty that a growing gap between rich and poor will erupt into revolution – not that government is taxing too much. According to the words of the OECD Secretary General Jose Angel Gurria, the problem since the global financial and economic crisis has exacerbated massive. “In the first three years of crisis, inequality increased more than in the twelve years before, “he told the Business Week”. On average across OECD countries, the top 10% of the population now earn 9.5 times as much as the lowest 10% but fail to explain this is from investment. Inequality has grown by 35% because stock markets are rising to escape from the craziness of government. The higher they rise, the greater the disparity.

The OECD claims this is clearly felt in the USA more so than Europe omitting the fact that the disparity comes from investment not wages. They they compare that to Europe claiming there is no welfare state in Europe so somehow this is implied to be better. The OECD then highlights supposedly rich Germany as a dangerous development with a rising disparity stating this is “namely that it is a lumpenproletariat, a very poorly trained and poorly paid part of the Arbeiterschich.”

The argument now is the middle class civil unrest they know is coming is simply because they have not confiscated the wealth of the investors they call the financial elites. So if you invest and make any money, you are the new financial elites – sorry it is anyone who now invests. Michael Maier’s The plunder of the world is another book released to justify plundering the financial elites without actually identifying who they are. Sorry – it is you.


New Member
Ah the stupidity of Zerohedge and its Pavlovian followers...

Just to point out the obvious:

1. There is no link to the supposed quote by Mr. Gurria. In fact a search for such a quote or any recent interviews on BusinessWeek does not garner any results. The last mention of him appears to be an January 23, 2014 interview on deflation.

2. The sentence structure, grammar and typos indicate this was written by a child, an extremely poorly educated adult or someone without a 21st century Word program. In any case, this is not the work of a professional knowledgeable reporter.

3. The author, like your other idiotic sources, doesn't understand that a rising stock market does not increase income. A rising stock market increases net worth (assuming the stocks are purchased outright and not on margin). This is another blaring signal that the author knows not of what he speaks.

Yet, knowledge is not what you seek, is it? You only wish to distort and misinform an already poorly informed audience. This is an excellent article to help further those goals.