Lupron Depot question


pretty black roses
Has anyone had this type of treatment for female issues such as fibroids or endometriosis? If so, did you have the side effects it says is possible?


New Member
Lupron Shots

I took the shots of Lupron for 6 months and took Megace for 8 years. In the first year I gained 100 thats right 100 pounds. My hair also thinned out and lost its body. It was nice not having a period and no pain. It works you just need to be carefull the side effect dont get you down.


pretty black roses
I took the shots of Lupron for 6 months and took Megace for 8 years. In the first year I gained 100 thats right 100 pounds. My hair also thinned out and lost its body. It was nice not having a period and no pain. It works you just need to be carefull the side effect dont get you down.


I CAN'T gain that much weight. I'm already having a hard time getting rid of my fat arse as it is.


New Member
Hi everyone - (newbie here) I was on lupron for endometriosis and I had a few side effects. Mostly, the hot flashes and occasional mood swings. The hot flashes were weird since I was only 22 at the time. But, I have to say the benefit of not being in horrible pain was definitely worth the few side effects.