Lusby-Calvert Co. Lymes Disease


New Member
My name is Pam and I live within the Chesapeake Ranch Club in Lusby, MD. A fellow Lymes Disease suffer and I are in the process of starting a local Lymes Disease support group.
Anyone interested should contact me at

Anyone who has questions about lymes disease or info they'd like to share is more than welcome to e-mail me as well.

I got my tick bite in the yard. I was covered with insect repellent from head to toe but didn't cover my belly because my shirt covered it but the shirt came out of my pants and I was too busy to shove it back in and within a 20 minute period, I managed to get a deer tick on me without even knowing it!
The classic tell-tell rash around the bite that typically identifies a possible lymes disease infection didn't happen to me. That was well over a year ago. Unfortunately the conventional anti-biotic treatments didn't work for me and now I am faced with the real possibility of this being the rest of my life-the pain NEVER ends-pain pills just dull it; I can't walk more than 50 feet before my legs start giving out, I need assistance walking up and down stairs, I lost long term memories and suffer short term memory loss so I have to write everything down. At first, I was so relieved to hear it was lymes disease and not cancer but now I'm not so sure-atleast with cancer I can be sure of two outcomes-remission or death; with lymes disease, everything is a big fat question mark.
Did you know that if you get an infected tick off your body (head & all) within 4 hours of the bite, then in all likelyhod you won't get infected with the disease.
Sometimes looking for ticks on your body is not enough especially if you have moles, blemishes or freckles-feel over those areas, any bump should be checked more closely with a magnifying glass if you still aren't sure.
How small is a deer tick- it's this small . yep, that period is how small they can be.
Can it be successfully treated? Definitely if you get treated within 6 weeks of the bite; possibly if longer but if it goes more than 3 mos, you're looking at a long expensive extremely painful recovery process.
Look if you got bit by a snake and you weren't sure if it was poisonous or not, you'd go to the emergency room. So if you get bit by tick and you're not sure if you've been infected-well a western blot test (simple blood test) is the most effective test but the doctor might just put you on a regimen of anti-biotics lasting anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks just to be on the safe side-trust me-it's better to get anti-biotics for a disease you don't have than to have the disease and let it go untreated!

Pam :dead:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Thanks for posting, Pam. A friend of the family, that also lives in Calvert, also suffers from Lymes. With the consistencies of pain and exhaustion, and the inconsistencies with daily functioning, her health and lack of "normality" has become overwhelming at best at times to deal with.


New Member
Thanks for reading it. Give your relative my e-mail. If he/she is too sick for a support group then maybe we can communicate via e-mail or phone or even if they wish I could visit their home (but I hate to go out in cold weather for obviously reasons).
I'm sure they could use a shoulder to cry on or a caring sympathetic person who'll just listen. Let them know that they don't have to suffer alone!


Pam :huggy: I wish you the best of luck, and I think what you are doing is terrific.

A co-worker of mine was bite on a hunting trip. I saw how devastating it was to a man who was in excellent physical health before the bite, working out daily, get to the point that the simple things we do everyday became a challenge for him. He was off work for nearly a year and he said he still doesn’t feel anywhere near as healthy as he was before all this happened.


New Member
Thanks for the support. Wish it got this kind of support from the Federal Gov't-their research is poorly funded.


New Member
Update on Pam

Hi All!
Well, my lymes disease is chronic and I've filed for disability retirement(wish me luck & prayers). Despite it all, I don't regret moving to Maryland. I still love it hear. Everyone has been real kind to me and helpful. If everything goes well and I get my dis. retirement, I want to try and do more volunteer work. My area of expertise has been the better part of my life-assisting veterans and I think I might go that root thru maybe VFW, DAV, Charlotte Hall, or something along those lines. I can only help out for about 4 hours before I get tired but I'm real handy with my computer. Any suggestions? :patriot: