Lyle Mays dies


This tune honors Bill Evans, who dies on Sept 15th 1980. Another gifted pianist lost to the musical world.





Active Member

I don't know the artist (either one), but it's always terrible when one of our favorite musicians passes on. We will always have their contribution though so I hope that helps.

I gave it a listen and it reminds me why I cannot wrap my head around jazz: there just is no beginning, middle, or end. It's just enigmatic to me. (Not a poke at what OP enjoys, just an observation.)



I don't know the artist (either one), but it's always terrible when one of our favorite musicians passes on. We will always have their contribution though so I hope that helps.

I gave it a listen and it reminds me why I cannot wrap my head around jazz: there just is no beginning, middle, or end. It's just enigmatic to me. (Not a poke at what OP enjoys, just an observation.)

Naw... I get it that some folks don't get jazz. I think it's the improvisational aspect of it. Jazz is centered around developing a chord structure to improvise over. Most folks need a melody structure; something that actually sings to them. I really think you have to listen to a lot of jazz for it to finally sink in. It's not an intellectual exercise, so much as it's just an music appreciation thing. Not to mention, jazz tunes tend to be long-winded; and most folks don't want that.