Lyme Discussion


New Member
I got new information and deleted the original stuff I had posted here....

How is everyone?
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New Member
horrid.... and it goes back and forth. One day I'll feel ok, the next two days I can barely drag myself out of bed (I actually don't - I let the kids do it on those days)

I go back for my followup in a couple of weeks and will hopefully get the green light for IV antibiotics. My stomach turns even thinking about dealing with that again (this is my second time 'round the block with lyme and picc lines) but on the other hand, I know I have to go there in order to get well again - and this time I have a coinfection to go with it. Of course, last time I didn't have a husband and kiddos to worry about - and I am terrified of the herx days with the coinfection thrown into the mix.

Hotcoffee, where do you have your line at? Arm or chest? I am worried about the chest, simply because my youngest is a little hug monster - and I'm afraid she would do something to the line there. Then again, I've had the arm line and that was tough for many other reasons.

This is one of those things that I really just wish I could go to sleep and wake up, realizing that it was all a bad dream... :bawl:

BTW - I was at CVS in California today and saw a car that had a green 'lyme' ribbon on the back. They also had a bumper sticker about lyme disease (but I can't remember what it said... ironic I suppose coming from a lymie) :lol:

I hope everyone is doing ok - this cold weather is rough on the joints :frown:


I've had my PICC for a little over 4 months now. Right now it's somewhat clogged and very sluggish :ohwell: Nurse is coming out this evening to try and flush it with cathflo (this will be the 3rd time it's been clogged). I'm probably looking at having to have it taken out and replace. :frown: But at least I've been feeling pretty damn good lately.
I've had my PICC for a little over 4 months now. Right now it's somewhat clogged and very sluggish :ohwell: Nurse is coming out this evening to try and flush it with cathflo (this will be the 3rd time it's been clogged). I'm probably looking at having to have it taken out and replace. :frown: But at least I've been feeling pretty damn good lately.

I'm sorry you are having so much trouble with the PICC. It's good to hear that you are feeling better.
My husband gets his PICC out tomorrow. I am so glad. He has been on it for 9 months. He is going to continue treating with naturals and suppliments.

I am doing good. Had a rough January. Over did at the holidays and my symptoms kicked in. Then caught a cold. It was a bad month.

I am finally feeling better. The symptoms are very mild and I only have a couple of days that I even notice anything durring the week.


I'm sorry you are having so much trouble with the PICC. It's good to hear that you are feeling better.
My husband gets his PICC out tomorrow. I am so glad. He has been on it for 9 months. He is going to continue treating with naturals and suppliments.

I am doing good. Had a rough January. Over did at the holidays and my symptoms kicked in. Then caught a cold. It was a bad month.

I am finally feeling better. The symptoms are very mild and I only have a couple of days that I even notice anything durring the week.

Looks like my PICC is probably coming out too :ohwell: Nurse thinks I have a blood clot. Arm is swollen, minor discomfort and cold hand. Going to the hospital today for a chest x-ray and sono. :blah:


aka Mrs. Giant
Looks like my PICC is probably coming out too :ohwell: Nurse thinks I have a blood clot. Arm is swollen, minor discomfort and cold hand. Going to the hospital today for a chest x-ray and sono. :blah:

Oh Jameo. :huggy: Let us know what happens.


Are you awake during PICC placement? It is painful?

You are awake. It's not painful at all. They give you a shot to numb the area that feels like a bee sting and that really is the worst part of it. Well, and a few days afterward you arm is kinda sore. It does sound A LOT worse than what it actually is.


New Member
I've had my PICC for a little over 4 months now. Right now it's somewhat clogged and very sluggish :ohwell: Nurse is coming out this evening to try and flush it with cathflo (this will be the 3rd time it's been clogged). I'm probably looking at having to have it taken out and replace. :frown: But at least I've been feeling pretty damn good lately.

Looks like my PICC is probably coming out too :ohwell: Nurse thinks I have a blood clot. Arm is swollen, minor discomfort and cold hand. Going to the hospital today for a chest x-ray and sono. :blah:

Keep your fingers and toes crossed that if they do take my PICC out I won't have to have it replaced! :lmao: Hopefully I can finish my treatment with just oral antibiotics.

You are awake. It's not painful at all. They give you a shot to numb the area that feels like a bee sting and that really is the worst part of it. Well, and a few days afterward you arm is kinda sore. It does sound A LOT worse than what it actually is.

Wow, I hope everything works out for you :huggy:


Active Member
Off of IV antibiotics for a while now. After I stopped the IV antibiotics, I found that I needed to stay with the probiotics and detox (Flor-Essence mild detox from The Good Earth in Leonardtown works great!).

Just started noticing an arthritic-like feeling in my hands. There doesn't seem to be a sign of debilitating joint pain or neurological issues anymore.


Material Girl
PREMO Member
Keep your fingers and toes crossed that if they do take my PICC out I won't have to have it replaced! :lmao: Hopefully I can finish my treatment with just oral antibiotics.

:huggy: Good luck!


PREMO Member
Anybody on the Rosephin get really bad chills after a couple of hours of taking it?
My whole body is shivering, and I'm very light headed.



Anybody on the Rosephin get really bad chills after a couple of hours of taking it?
My whole body is shivering, and I'm very light headed.


Are you letting it warm up before doing your infusions?

And thanks ya'll! Off I go :ohwell:
Looks like my PICC is probably coming out too :ohwell: Nurse thinks I have a blood clot. Arm is swollen, minor discomfort and cold hand. Going to the hospital today for a chest x-ray and sono. :blah:

I'm sorry to hear that. Hope it goes well. Keeping you up in my prayers.


No blood clots. But I did have to have my PICC replaced. Some how it became dislodged and was curled up high in my chest. The x-rays looked pretty cool :lmao: To replace it they just pulled the old one out and shoved the new one in. Easy peasy :yay: