Lyme disease support group at Calvert Hospital

Is anyone planning on going? It is the 1st Monday of every month at 6:00pm.
Has anyone gone to one before? I am thinking about going this month as long as I am up to it.


New Member
I might be able to go... where is it in the hospital? I don't know much about the hospital at all...


New Member
Guess if I go in the new wing they will be able to direct me to it....

I have to make arrangements for Hubby's dinner.... then I'm good to go.... I love having Hubby's dinner on the top of my list.... he's a great man and it's one of the highlights of my day... really :hot:


New Member
would anyone who goes please report back and let me know if it is kid (preschooler-ish) friendly? I'd really like to go - this is my secound 'bout with lyme and I am terrified - but we live closer to L-town in St. Mary's and I'd have to bring the little one with me, as hubby wouldn't be home yet...

TIA :flowers:


I AM an enigma
would anyone who goes please report back and let me know if it is kid (preschooler-ish) friendly? I'd really like to go - this is my secound 'bout with lyme and I am terrified - but we live closer to L-town in St. Mary's and I'd have to bring the little one with me, as hubby wouldn't be home yet...

TIA :flowers:

I wonder if there are any support groups in St. Mary's? I could do that one.


New Member
I wonder if there are any support groups in St. Mary's? I could do that one.

That would be GREAT - I have a lot of experience/information to offer since this is my second time around the block, but I am also scared/worried about what the future holds for myself, as I am barely 30 and have complications from the first time. It would be wonderful to have a support group - but PF is a good half hour drive for me, and that isn't counting the traffic going over the bridge that time of the day.

PurpleFox please let me know if you hear of one in St. Mary's....


another LD support group forming....

Hi everyone! There is another JUST forming, it is being started as ONLINE only, for the time being until the "kinks" are worked out. Most of us go to the Support Group at the hospital as well. It is NOT for Calvert County residents only, ANYONE can join in. You can't get enough info on LD. If we get enough people into this group it could branch out!
Here is the link: CalvertCountyLyme : Calvert County Lyme


I finally made a meeting last night. TONS of good info at these meetings. Definitely worth checking out. :yay:


New Member
I finally made a meeting last night. TONS of good info at these meetings. Definitely worth checking out. :yay:

Thanks for the info - I hope to make it next month or the month after. I really wish they had one in St. Mary's...

Do they talk about co-infections at all?

I'm so fed up with this tick mess I could just scream... do they cover that topic? :lol:


Thanks for the info - I hope to make it next month or the month after. I really wish they had one in St. Mary's...

Do they talk about co-infections at all?

I'm so fed up with this tick mess I could just scream... do they cover that topic? :lol:

Actually last night they did talk some about co-infections. And how Lyme can effect children. Different antibiotics and treatments. Like I said, definitely worth making the time and checking it out.