Lyme Disease


New Member
Now that the ticks are back out in full force I wanted to check in and see if anyone had been successful in finding a good lyme doctor since Dr. C's departure. I still have the Southern Maryland Lyme page on Facebook and at least once a week I get a message from someone looking for a lyme literate Dr. Its a shame that sick people can't find help.


Active Member
You might want to check with Dr C's old partner. It's a shame that there are Doctors that don't believe in the diagnosis of Lymes. It is a true disease that hits many. Good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
Dr Elizabeth Spitzer believed me when I came down with Lymes back in 1985 (I had been landscaping in lower NY-near the Conn border)...Tetracycline(?) took care of it. Sadly, she was killed in an auto accident shortly thereafter.

Now,...I am almost certain I have a NEW case of it: Dizziness, bone & joint aches, kidney pain, random fevers, lethargy. SO...just scheduled with my Primary Care Physician. (Gallatin)-I REALLY hope I can convince him. If he says arthritis & heat prostration,...I will not be making a return visit.


New Member
Thank you Roman. I do see him but he appears to be pulling back a bit, and going mostly holistic. I suspect he has been given a hand slap. :-( He has also started to charge a high fee for 1st time appts and many who are sick, cannot afford it.

Speaking of holistic - has anyone had any great success with herbal treatments? My oldest son is taking Cat's Claw and wow is that nasty stuff. Not sure how effective it is either.


New Member
This terrifies the hell out of me, we live basically surrounded by woods and I've been pulling them off the dogs 3 or 4 a night. I got 2 off my son, they were still crawling and not attached. I need to find something to put on the kid though. The dogs are good now with more frontline and they get the Lyme vaccine. I'm FREAKING out about letting my kid play outside till I find something safe to put on him :jameo:


PREMO Member
This terrifies the hell out of me, we live basically surrounded by woods and I've been pulling them off the dogs 3 or 4 a night. I got 2 off my son, they were still crawling and not attached. I need to find something to put on the kid though. The dogs are good now with more frontline and they get the Lyme vaccine. I'm FREAKING out about letting my kid play outside till I find something safe to put on him :jameo:

A lot of people don't realize how small a deer tick really is, they are very small and hard to see.
Most of the time people find them only when they get the itch.


New Member
Lyme is no joke. I was completely devastated when I found out my kids had it. After dealing with it myself for 2 years I knew firsthand how bad it could be. Funny thing is, I don't pull them off my dog or my kids. It was very rare for us to find one at all. And yet we all got sick. Even the dog - even though I have her vaccinated every year too. And don't even get me started on the co-infections. Those lil ticks carry so much nasty bacteria... my middle son was so sick we ended up at Children's and found out he had ehrlichiosis as well as lyme. A different bacteria, a different medication. They recommended he be home schooled for a year. Unfortunately there is only so much you can do. We live in the woods as well and I'd like to move... but in the meantime I keep the grass cut short, hair too, treat the yard every year, and we stay out of the woods in the summer. I also do baths every night for the lil one and check him good. Older boys check themselves. Removal is important - might want to research that for future reference.

My crazy lyme lady tip I tell everyone in Southern Maryland - ANYTIME you have bloodwork done, ask that a lyme test be included. The test sucks, but if you have it, you will eventually hit positive and the sooner you know the better.


This terrifies the hell out of me, we live basically surrounded by woods and I've been pulling them off the dogs 3 or 4 a night. I got 2 off my son, they were still crawling and not attached. I need to find something to put on the kid though. The dogs are good now with more frontline and they get the Lyme vaccine. I'm FREAKING out about letting my kid play outside till I find something safe to put on him :jameo:

Get the kid one of these. :coffee:


Jam out with ur clam out

Chronic Lyme here!!! oohh let me add Rocky Mt Spotted Fever and Babesiea as well :yay:...... over 15yrs they think i have had it, well thats when they symptoms started

but 3yrs ago is when i was finally diagnosed!! All has been good so far, but some ups and downs with flare ups.... :jameo:.. they suck

oohhh and I have never tested positive