Lyme patients update

Hello all my fellow sufferers. I had a wonderful day today. After a year of treatment today I was able to tackle some of the things I have not been able to do for a year.
I forgot how it felt to have energy. Hopefully this is a sign that I have finally turned the corner on this. If I can keep this feeling for two months I can get off all the anti-biotics.
So that is my update. How is everyone else doing? Please share. It has really been great to know that others understand what we are going through. The good reports lift our hearts and the not so good let us know that we still have much to do. Along with many prayers to continue with.
God bless you all as you go through this journey.


Doing pretty damn good here :yahoo: No antibiotics since the end of February. I haven't even been taking the supplements like my doc wants me to. I haven't been achy at all, not even my neck :yahoo: Good energy. Clear head :yahoo:


New Member
ISore, achy, can't sleep, can't remember any thing- grrrr- I'm right in the middle of being a mess...

:howdy: That's me too - except that I sleep WAY too much... I wish that I had a bit of insomnia sometimes! I ended up with a bad staph infection somehow and it is delaying the placement of my central line. ugh.

And just a PSA to my fellow sufferers... if you have done the IV antibiotics, please try to stay as stress free as you can and live a simple, low-key life. I did the IV almost 10 years ago and ended up with a positive lyme test again a year or so ago... I really think that it just stays in your system and can be triggered by stress. I know I wasn't bitten again - but I had a baby and some severe stress going on and then wham... positive lyme. Now I need IV antibiotics yet again - so please, try to live as peacefully as possible so that you don't get a reoccurance - I am going to be saying 'no' to a lot of things now because I just can't handle it and I own that - no way do I want to do this for a third time down the road!:cds: