Lyme test results-confused


New Member
Sorry not sure if we can post test result questions.However I am really confused.The urgent care doctor called to say I was psitive for Lyme.When I went to my regular kaiser doctor he wanted to test again yet those results came back negative.The nuurse told me to get urgent care results.So I got them. WEll The first test EIA was positive and the western Blot test came back positive with igM 41,39,and 21-25 but the igG came back negative.
Oh I saw the maryland Lyme disease report sheet my doctor filled in and it missed out some information.
I can see why so many people go undiagnosed when their tests come back negative(why is that so). I am on antibiotics-a measly 3 weeks and then I am supposed to be cured and there is no test to see if the antibiotics worked :(
Oh my blood test showed high WBC and low lymphocytes :( so obviously my body is fighting hard.

Anyhow I appreciate any feedback.I am sure even though you may not be a doctor you may know more than my doctor *deep sigh*

Thank you


wandering aimlessly
You may want to contact the creator of the southern maryland lyme facebook page. There is a community of lyme sufferers that may be able to help you interpret the test results.


New Member
Sorry not sure if we can post test result questions.However I am really confused.The urgent care doctor called to say I was psitive for Lyme.When I went to my regular kaiser doctor he wanted to test again yet those results came back negative.The nuurse told me to get urgent care results.So I got them. WEll The first test EIA was positive and the western Blot test came back positive with igM 41,39,and 21-25 but the igG came back negative.
Oh I saw the maryland Lyme disease report sheet my doctor filled in and it missed out some information.
I can see why so many people go undiagnosed when their tests come back negative(why is that so). I am on antibiotics-a measly 3 weeks and then I am supposed to be cured and there is no test to see if the antibiotics worked :(
Oh my blood test showed high WBC and low lymphocytes :( so obviously my body is fighting hard.

Anyhow I appreciate any feedback.I am sure even though you may not be a doctor you may know more than my doctor *deep sigh*

Thank you

Im sorry frozenrain. I know how confusing all this is and on top of all that, your sick. My advice - don't waste time trying to interpret your results. The standard test is NOT accurate and I personally don't have a lot of faith in the costly specialized labs either. Lyme Disease should be a clinical diagnosis, not based on lab results anyhow. Most lyme literate drs have things they will check routinely to monitor progress (CD-57, platelets, etc) but it varies by Dr. I don't know of any though, that rely on the standard lyme test. When my oldest son was diagnosed, we included a lyme test on his initial blood work through the standard lab - "just for kicks" the DR said. It was positive. The following week it was negative. The following week it was positive. The child def had lyme. Within 2 weeks of starting the antibiotics, he was a whole new kid. But this reiterated to me how useless the tests really are.

On a side note - I don't know if your Dr told you, (Im guessing that he did not :)) but you may get sick before you get better. Many times when a lyme sufferer starts antibiotics they get worse - its referred to as Herxing - basically the lyme flares up and your symptoms become worse. So if that happens, don't let it discourage you - it will get better. You should try and find a lyme literate DR and make an appointment ASAP as many of them are booking months in advance. I haven't forgotten to see if anyone has suggested a Dr in your area, I will check my list tonight or tomorrow. I know there is a good one in Germantown - is that anywhere near you? In the meantime, do not let your Dr off the hook. Ask for more antibiotics and then ask again. If he refuses, maybe check with a local infectious disease Dr.

Im sick to my stomach at what this disease is doing to so many people. :-(