Lyme's Anyone??


I have Lymes, and would like to hear from other people thathave been diagnosed. What are you major/main symptoms? What treatments are you on?

I am getting sick and tired of being sick and tired!


:howdy: I was diagnosed with it like 2 months ago. Mine was caught in the early phase. I did the antibiotics for 10-14 days.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
I have Lymes, and would like to hear from other people thathave been diagnosed. What are you major/main symptoms? What treatments are you on?

I am getting sick and tired of being sick and tired!

My child was diagnosed with it last spring. She was in a lot of pain. 30 days on antibiotics and she seems to be much better.


I was diagnosed 3 months ago. I have had it a long time apparently. I went to hospital because my tongue and hand went numb for an hour and I blacked out and when my vision came back it was blurry for a while. also had migraines. Hospital did ekg, blood test, urine test and catscan. They didnt find anything wrong with me.

went to my doctor and he did blood tests and had me get mri. blood test came back positive for lyme and mri should a couple spots in brain where the lyme is starting to spread. i took doxycycline for a month. after that i had to get a picc line placed so i can give myself iv medicine every night. the medicine is ceftiaxone. i have been doing that for 2 months. a nurse comes to my work every monday to change my bandages and clean the line. started having stomach pain so my doctor is switching the medicine to something else next week. i forget the name of it. ceftiaxone causes gull bladder issues.

i have had a lot of symtoms. some are gone and some still remain. pain in joints, mostly my fingers and toes. they are sharp, stabbing pains that come and go. fatigue. hard to concentrate. forgetfulness. hard time remembering my words and i have to pause when talking to try to think of what i'm trying to say. other symtoms too but i cant remember. i'm suppose to get another mri in 3 months to see if the medicine is working.

i'm slowly getting better. i saw my doctor today and he ordered another 30 days. we go one month at a time and re-evaluate from there
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So the week and a half of not getting anything from my Dr could mean something maybe?

give them a call. maybe its negative so thats why they are not calling you. no news is suppose to be good news. I am pretty sure I received my results 3 business days later. Had blood drawn on a Wed and they called the following Mon.


So happy!
give them a call. maybe its negative so thats why they are not calling you. no news is suppose to be good news. I am pretty sure I received my results 3 business days later. Had blood drawn on a Wed and they called the following Mon.

I've called half a dozen times.


b*tch rocket
I've had it, my kid had it, my dog had it... I call it the family disease. :lol: Mine was caught early and a month of antibiotics seem to have done the trick. My daugher did 9 months of antibiotics before it was finally knocked out. My dog still suffers and has flare ups about every 6 months or so.

Lyme disease is not something anyone should take lightly. I hate ticks and I'd gladly agent orange 100 mile radius of my house if it would kill every single one of those suckers.


Tell me more about the picc line please. My doctor wanted to do that on my last visit - I held him off for another month.

I was diagnosed 3 months ago. I have had it a long time apparently. I went to hospital because my tongue and hand went numb for an hour and I blacked out and when my vision came back it was blurry for a while. also had migraines. Hospital did ekg, blood test, urine test and catscan. They didnt find anything wrong with me.

went to my doctor and he did blood tests and had me get mri. blood test came back positive for lyme and mri should a couple spots in brain where the lyme is starting to spread. i took doxycycline for a month. after that i had to get a picc line placed so i can give myself iv medicine every night. the medicine is ceftiaxone. i have been doing that for 2 months. a nurse comes to my work every monday to change my bandages and clean the line. started having stomach pain so my doctor is switching the medicine to something else next week. i forget the name of it. ceftiaxone causes gull bladder issues.

i have had a lot of symtoms. some are gone and some still remain. pain in joints, mostly my fingers and toes. they are sharp, stabbing pains that come and go. fatigue. hard to concentrate. forgetfulness. hard time remembering my words and i have to pause when talking to try to think of what i'm trying to say. other symtoms too but i cant remember. i'm suppose to get another mri in 3 months to see if the medicine is working.

i'm slowly getting better. i saw my doctor today and he ordered another 30 days. we go one month at a time and re-evaluate from there


New Member
Tell me more about the picc line please. My doctor wanted to do that on my last visit - I held him off for another month.

I had one in for 3 months with my Lyme. They put it in your upper arm while you are awake (typically). They just give you some Atavan or something to take the edge off. It is uncomfortable and feels like a lot of pressure while they are doing it, but nothing unbearable.

Once the line is in, they will assign a home health care agency to you so that a nurse will come visit you once a week to clean and change your dressings. My meds were delivered on ice to my house once a week. They were these little ball things that had some kind of pressure delivery system so that you could wear them in this little waist pouch thing and move around -- it's not like you had to sit there hooked up to an IV pole. The home health agency will bring you all of the supplies you need each week. I bought one of those plastic 3 drawer things to keep it all in, so that I had everything I needed in one place and it was right there for when the nurse came. They really do try to make it as easy as possible on you.

Taking the line out is much easier. My doc just did it right there in his office. I really didn't feel much of anything, just kind of an odd feeling for a second or two while he was pulling (there's more in there than you think).

All of my physical symptoms have gone away, but I still have memory issues, as I had it for awhile before I was diagnosed. I originally had just severe tiredness (I couldn't go to the store, church or anywhere without having to take a 3-4 hour nap afterward), which passed after a couple of weeks so they thought it was just mono. After a couple of months, I had severe knee pain in both knees than a couple of months after that (with the knee pain still there) I started having memory problems, losing words while speaking, not remembering names of people I have known for years. At that point they finally tested me for Lyme and treated me for it. As I said, the physical symptoms are gone and, although the neurological symptoms are better, they are still there.

Both of my kids have had it, as well, but because I am so tick-phobic now and have them checked at the slightest hint of anything, it has been caught early with both of them. After the 28-day antibiotic treatment, they have both been fine.

Best of luck to you. I hope you are seeing someone that is knowledgeable about Lyme.


I went to St. Marys hospital. They take you to a room that is kind of like an OR. It has to be completely sterilized and they have to be fully gowned when they do the procedure. You have to lay flat on your back on a table. they will choose an arm to use. Mine is in my left, upper part of the arm. They use the sonogram to see your veins. They decide which one is best for the picc line. After that they numb the area on your arm with lidocaine. That really hurt (like a burning pain). It didnt last very long though. A few minutes later the nurse threaded the line thru my vein until it was laying right on top of my heart. I didnt feel any of that. They took a quick picture to make sure it looked good. Then I had to get an xray just to double check. The hospital gave me my first dose of medicine while I was there.

The next day my nurse came to my house and showed me how to use the medicine and take care of the picc line. There is basically a tube that sticks out of my arm that is long enough to wrap all the way around it. I cover it up with a sock. The first dressing change hurt (I wont lie). They use alcohol to clean it and it burned. The second dressing change (a week later) somewhat hurt but no where compared to the first time. None of the dressing changes have bothered me since then. My nurse also takes blood samples every week but she takes it right from the picc line so you dont feel a thing. It takes her about an hour every monday to do everything she has to do with the picc line. I have been told by everyone I have asked that it does not hurt to remove the picc line. The medicine is really easy to do. You have to use a saline syringe to flush the line, then hook up the medicine (its in a little iv plastic ball), the medicine takes about 20-30 min to finish, then flush with saline again, then flush with heperin. It sounds like a lot to do but it is pretty easy once you get into the habit.

It is annoying trying to bathe. When you take a shower you have to wrap it in plastic wrap. It cant get wet. That is the most annoying part of it all right now. The tape also irritates my skin sometimes too. The majority of the time I forget it is even there. I have gotten use to it.



Thanks alot everyone. I feel better about getting a picc line.

I am also having many of the same symptoms. I kept thinking I was out of shape that is why I was tired and my muscles/joints hurt.


Thanks alot everyone. I feel better about getting a picc line.

I am also having many of the same symptoms. I kept thinking I was out of shape that is why I was tired and my muscles/joints hurt.

It is frustrating because there are no clear answers. A lot is still not known about Lyme. I have asked my doctor and gyn how long should I wait to have kids if I choose to have more in the future and neither one of them had an answer. They can tell you when you have Lyme, but its not as easy to tell you when you dont have it. I have asked a couple times how I will know when I am lyme free and all my doctor can say is I will know when my symtoms are gone. I kinda want more evidence then that but theres nothing that can be done.


New Member
Lyme Disease

I have Lyme Disease...had the IV picc. Have nerve damage in my legs from it. The nerves in my legs will jump and twitch.